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Attend a Meeting

You will receive meeting invites from Microsoft Teams or other sources with a link to a Microsoft Teams Meeting.

Please note: The appearance of the windows and dialogs you will see when attending a meeting will vary slightly depending on the Operating System or Web browser you use.

  • Click on the link to join the Microsoft Teams meeting
  • Local call-in numbers are available in the meeting invite as well

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Meeting invite from the SMPTE OLC with Microsoft Teams link

  • A sign-in screen will appear if you are not already signed in into Microsoft Teams. Make sure to use your login credentials for your SMPTE MS 365 account

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  • You may have to enter a password depending on if you are logged into Microsoft 365 already

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  • You may experience this dialog screen. Make sure to click on “No, sign into this app only” to not interfere with other accounts you may have setup on your computer.

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  • The meeting room screen will appear, and you can choose to enter the meeting with the microphone unmuted or muted and, if your computer has a camera, with the camera on or off.

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  • Once you clicked “Join now” you will enter the meeting. You will see a notice “Waiting for others to join…” if you are the first caller to the meeting

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  • On the top of the screen you will find a control bar which allows you to switch on and off your microphone and/or camera

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  • You can also raise your hand if you want to get into the que

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  • Or you can share you screen

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  • There is also a button to toggle on and off the participant list

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  • Lastly, you can leave a meeting via the “Leave” button

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