Document Naming (All)

All due process documents submitted to the SMPTE SKN must follow the instructions given in the Administrative Guideline 02 (AG-02) which is accessible on the SMPTE website. The data shown in the file name is the authoritative source of information about a file. We strongly recommend that you use the AG-02 file naming conventions for any non-due-process files you contributed to the SMPTE SKN. An excerpt from the AG-02 file naming convention is shown below and you can find additional information in AG-02. The conventions given in AG-02 take precedence in case of divergence between this document and AG-02.

8 Work In Process File Naming Conventions

8.1 Due Process Engineering Documents

File names for due process Engineering Documents should be constructed as follows.

<group> “-“ <state> “-“ <type> “-“ <number> [ “-“ <part> ] [ <element> ] “-“ <description> “-“ <date> [ “(“ <note> “)” ] “.” <extension>


<group> is the Group that authored the document (e.g., TC name, “31FS”)

<state> is “WD” | “CD” | “FCD” | “DP”

<type> is “ST” | “RP” | “EG” | “RDD” | “AN” | “ER” | “OV” | “AG”

See section 7.2 Engineering Document Type

<number> is the SMPTE HQ staff-assigned document number

<part> is the optional part number

<element> is the optional element letter

<description> is a brief indicator of subject, such as an abbreviated name of the 

document, which is constructed using only alpha characters, digits and "-". The

description is a required element of the file name.

<date> is the document version date, formatted (“YYYY-MM-DD”) as defined in section 6 Dates.

<note> is an optional string that can be used to annotate the file contents, e.g.,

“(clean),” “(markup),” “(package),” or similar information. The <note> shall be

constructed using only alpha characters, digits, “-“. 

<extension> is an approved extension. See section 4.2 File Formats for Document Submission

Note: The <description> and <note> fields can use CamelCase or hyphens as word separators. The Document Editor and Project Chair need to consider both choices and make a decision based on the project name, any acronyms used, the length of the name and related factors.