The SMPTE SKN Teams UI is the standard Teams UI with some customized features which help the SMPTE process for standards development.
- The list of teams you are a member of
- Apps which are available to you e.g. activity notifications, chat, teams list, calendar, calls etc.
- The button to join a team (SMPTE SC members do not have permission to create teams)
- Customizable bar with “tabs” that can be used to add applications, websites etc.
- Search bar to search Teams or a selected team
- A screen with various content (screen content depends on what team, app or tab was selected)
- Access to your user account, settings or the sign-out button
- Shows access rights a user has in a channel (e.g. org = organization wide, team = only team members)
Please note: Only SMPTE HQ is allowed to create teams. Contact SMPTE HQ for support to create a new team (
Please note: Applications or websites can only be added to the tab bar with permission of SMPTE HQ.