Edit a Project (Project Owners)

Using edit mode on the project view

Editing a Project

Follow the instructions to view a project to reach the correct screen where editing a project can begin.

Click the Edit button the top right of a project to change to the form view.

A newly migrated project may have incomplete fields. Fields that are marked with an asterisk will be required to be filled in prior to any edit being saved.

Updating Project Approval Status

Projects must be approved by the corresponding Technology Committee and the Standards Committee. Approvals are conducted over a period of two weeks and start automatically at 11:59 PM ET on the specified start date. Emails are distributed throughout the approval period to remind members it is occurring. If the review dates are changed, the emails will still be sent corresponding to the original specified timeframe. The approval status for a project can be changed by checking the “Approved” or “Archived” checkbox on its project page. The approval status displays “Approval Review Opening Soon” when the current time is prior to the review start date, “In Approval Review” when the current time is between the review start and end date, and “Pending Approval” if the current time is after the review end date and neither the “Approved” nor “Archived” checkbox is checked.