Data Migration Process (All)

Background on moving data from the planner boards into the new Projects app


This user guide page shall cover the fields of the project app and where they originated from on each planner board task. The migration process contains both automated and manual processes to move and establish all the data necessary for the projects app to function. The manual processes are included to also provide review of every project to ensure that no data is lost during the automated processes.

Project Title

The project title comes from the planner task title. The technology committee will be removed from the title during the migration process. In instances where the project document type is clearly identifiable, it may also be removed from the title during the migration process. Please review the project title in association with the project’s contents to ensure it is correct.

Technology Committee

The technology committee is parsed from the planner task title. There may be a few projects which do not contain the technology committee and must be manually specified.

Project Document Type

The document type is specified via the designation of planner board, or by parsing it out of the planner task title. The planner boards that only have a single type of document on them have all projects set to the respective document type. For the planner board containing ST, RP, and EG projects, the document type is parsed out. In cases where it cannot reliably be found, or if there are multiple detected, none is selected. Please review the selected project document type for each project since there is a higher probability for incorrect automated detection.


The chair is parsed into a ‘txtChair’ field from the planner task notes if the automation can find it. The Chair field will then be manually populated using the data from this text field, or from the original planner board if it is not populated. The ‘txtChair’ field will be removed after the migration is completed. If some accounts are not available, this field may be left blank.

Document Editor

The document editor is parsed into a ‘txtDocument Editor’ field from the planner task notes if the automation can find it. The Document Editor field will then be manually populated using the data from this text field, or from the original planner board if it is not populated. The ‘txtDocument Editor’ field will be removed after the migration is completed. If some accounts are not available, this field may be left blank.


The scope is parsed from the planner task notes field if it can be found. This will be manually reviewed to ensure it is properly moved from each planner task.


The status field is populated using the designated bucket for each planner task. Any projects under the ‘Templates’ bucket will not be migrated to the projects app.
Please Note: The status field currently contains a discrepancy from the defined project statuses in AG-19 (AG-19-Project-Status-Values.pdf). The projects app currently uses “Project Approval (10%)” as the status value, however, the 10% value should actually be “Project Approved (10%)” in accordance with AG-19. This is due to an error in the bucket name that is present on the planner boards. Due to outlying external systems that rely on that bucket name, we cannot change it yet.
Please Note: There are additional status values present in the projects app that are not present in AG-19. This was due to a decision that was made to include additional buckets on the planner boards. These additional status values will be removed when they are no longer needed.

Link to Project Statement (AG-06)

This field is taken from the attachments field on each planner task. Due to how Microsoft stores planner tasks, there is no specific way to indicate which is the correct file if there are multiple attachments on a planner task. During the migration process, these will be reviewed to ensure the correct link is saved for each project. Please review the link to the project statement to ensure it is the correct document.

Project Start Date

This field is populated using the planner task start date.

Project End Date

This field is populated using the planner task due date.

Review Start Date

This field is not populated during the migration. If someone tries to edit a project after it is migrated, this field will populate with the current date in Eastern Time.

Review End Date

This field is not populated during the migration. If someone tries to edit a project after it is migrated, this field will populate with the current date in Eastern Time.


The approved field is checked if the planner task has a status bucket of 10% or later.


The archived field is checked if a planner task is marked ‘completed’ on the planner board. The ‘completed’ designation causes the tasks to move to a collapsed menu under each bucket.

Assigned TC Subgroup

This field is not populated during the migration.


Owner(s) is populated using the assigned users to each planner task.


The checklist is not migrated because the projects app uses a new list of items for each document type.

Additional Support

Please contact if you think there is an error with a project that occurred during the migration process. SMPTE Home Office will be able to review planner board project data and can also restore it if necessary.