Search for document (All)

There are two ways to look for a document in the SMPTE SKN. You can either use Microsoft Teams or Microsoft SharePoint to look for documents. Lets start with Teams.

  • Teams provides a search bar on top of the browser window

  • Enter your search term and hit enter. Make sure to select “Files” if you are looking for documents

  • The search resulted in two hits. One for the file name and the second for mentioning the search term within the content of the document.
  • Open the SharePoint site as explained previously by going to and select the SharePoint app on the page to search in SharePoint

  • Enter the search term and hit enter for a results page. You can narrow the search by clicking on the type list just above the search results. 

One difference between search in Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Sharepoint is that SharePoint that not search the file content.