The Voting App can be accessed through the side bar Icon menu on the left of the Teams windows. Click the Icon labelled "Voting".
Once that is done the Voting App main screen a list of ballots, votes, audits and reviews will open.
The voting app is designed to be a hub where all upcoming, in progress, and completed votes and ballots can be viewed by all SC members. The app design matches the other apps available on the SKN. This app replaces the previously used Microsoft Forms in the Standards Ballots and Votes team. Members who have voting rights, P-Members who are also members of the TC the vote or ballot is associated with, will be able to submit their vote within the app. SC members will be able to comment on any ballots in progress and will be able to participate in the comment resolution process. The functions available in this app vary based on your member role and some functions are only available to TC chairs, document editors or P-Members.