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Best Practices for Live Stream Distribution

Does it seem like new streaming services are popping up almost daily? Well, you’re right; they are. And each with its own unique requirements for live streams they want to receive.

Best Practices for Live Stream Distribution

Does it seem like new streaming services are popping up almost daily? Well, you’re right; they are. And each with its own unique requirements for live streams they want to receive.


Does it seem like new streaming services are popping up almost daily? Well, you’re right; they are. And each with its own unique requirements for live streams they want to receive.

All of these live stream destinations, each with its own set of variables, make it virtually impossible to automate the management of these streams.

Fortunately, a group within SMPTE has been working on an effort to try to fix this. We believe it is possible to rationalize and simplify these variables with a set of best practices. We also believe it’s possible to close some of the security holes that exist in today’s world of live stream distribution.

This SMPTE group is working on establishing a set of Best Practices for Live Stream Distribution to help simplify the process of standing up, securing, and maintaining live streams sent from content providers to streaming services.

In this presentation, we’ll talk about what’s being done, who’s involved, and how to get involved yourself if you are interested.


About the speaker:

Chris Lennon serves in Ross Video’s Office of the CTO as Director, Standards Strategy. He is responsible for Ross’ activities in standards and trade organizations, as well as its global thought leadership program.

Chris also serves as Executive Director of the Open Services Alliance (OSA), a global industry organization focused on interoperability among microservice oriented media systems, now a part of SMPTE’s Rapid Industry Solutions. The OSA produced the media industry’s first microservices standards and continues to lead the way in this rapidly evolving area.

Chris has held a variety of leadership positions in the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE), including Standards Director, Western US Governor, Local Section Chair, and Chair of multiple Technology Committees. He is a SMPTE Fellow and recipient of SMPTE’s prestigious 2008 Citation.  He currently is a manager of the SMPTE Rocky Mountain Section and serves on the IABM Board.


RSVP: Contact Bob Hudelson, 530-648-8117


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