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The 2024 Media Technology Summit

Open Services Alliance


RIS-OSA Welcomes New Members

SMPTE Partners With OSA to Create a More Robust and Versatile Rapid Industry Solutions Program

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. — April 11, 2023 — SMPTE®, the home for media professionals, technologists, and engineers, is partnering with the Open Services Alliance®, which focuses on enabling improved open interoperability among service-based applications. This partnership is a natural extension of SMPTE’s Rapid Industry Solutions Program, which aims to make the standards process more efficient, transparent, and versatile. Read more

Webcast: Taming the Control Plane - SMPTE/IABM Town Hall


One of the last frontiers in the wild west that is the cloud is how to control devices and services regardless of where they reside. We all have some things on-prem, some in public clouds, and some in private clouds. In theory, they should all work together in perfect harmony, without regard for platform or vendor.

Today’s proprietary solutions don’t address this need, and the challenge is becoming more serious every day. SMPTE’s Rapid Industry Solutions has recently welcomed in the Open Services Alliance for Media (OSA), who have just begun to try to tackle this challenge with an initiative called Catena. Register here


OSA Logo 002 - NoShdw_HiRes (1)The Open Services Alliance is comprised of media industry organizations worldwide and is focused on enabling improved open interoperability among service-based applications. We see this as critical with media systems now being hosted on cloud, multi-cloud, and on-prem platforms. Our work will support establishment of standards, best practices, registers, industry awareness and education, and any other tools at our disposal to foster cross-platform and cross-application interoperability.


  • Provide a forum for users, vendors, and platform providers to work together toward improved interoperability among service-based applications for media.

  • Develop and publish documents as needed to further interoperability via appropriate organizations, such as SMPTE.

  • Educate industry via appropriate means (white papers, talks/panels, presence at industry events, etc.) on the importance of open services-based interoperability among media systems.

2024 Initiatives:


  • Identified as a key area needing attention from a services perspective.

  • Use Case:

    • Give explicit access to only a single service (without enabling access to any other services – adhering to the principle of least privilege), providing permission only to that service to access only the resources needed, within a limited scope of time and actions.

    • Enable revocation of the privilege granted to that service if something changes within the scope of time access was initially granted for.


  • Defining a standardized, secure means of controlling everything from complex media devices to simple media microservices is critical to enable interoperability across vendors, and across platforms (whether those be cloud, on-prem, or hybrid). This initiative solves this challenge, which is one of the biggest ones facing the media industry.

Best Practices for Live Stream Distribution

  • Providing live streams to the multitude of distribution outlets that media organizations need to deal with is currently a nightmare. Each has its own unique requirements. This initiative seeks to create a set of best practices targeted at simplifying the current wild west that is live stream distribution. This initiative is being undertaken in cooperation with the Streaming Video Technical Alliance.

Global Service Repository

  • Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to select exactly the right services needed to complete tasks at the time of execution? Need a service to execute for the lowest price? Fine. Want the service that will complete the quickest? No problem. Lowest carbon footprint? Done! The Global Service Repository offers the promise of making this scenario a reality.


  • Maintaining a consistent vocabulary is crucial for the success of InterOp. Future efforts will focus on keeping this vocabulary up-to-date as we progress. Let's establish and agree on terms and their definitions. Our goal is to publish this vocabulary on the SMPTE website by mid-2024.

Thank you to our Advisory Group participants!