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DC SMPTE and SBE holiday party 2024

Please Join Us for Our Annual SMPTE & SBE Holiday Party!

DC SMPTE and SBE holiday party 2024

Please Join Us for Our Annual SMPTE & SBE Holiday Party!


The SMPTE Washington DC Section and SBE Chapter 37 invite you to our annual holiday celebration. This is a wonderful opportunity to network, socialize, and share in the joy of the season with friends, peers, and media professionals.

This year we are improving the food options. Tickets $35 per person, $175 for sponsors and vendors. Please note, Eventbrite will charge a processing fee at the time of purchase.

We kindly ask all vendors attending to register as sponsors to help defray the event costs. Sponsoring attendees will be recognized and thanked in our event signage.

This festive gathering has proven immensely successful in past years, and we are excited to continue the tradition. We welcome all media professionals and supporting entities to join us in celebrating the holidays with our valued colleagues.

Questions? Please send an email to: managers@smptedc.org
Vendors & Sponsors, email your print ready/vector graphics to managers@smptedc.org no later than Friday, November 29.