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The 2024 Media Technology Summit

November Meeting 2020

Covid innovation or IT best practice? Find out at the November meeting of SMTPE NY TV technology thought leaders from Broadcast, Cable, and OTT view the enablement of remote faculty management COVID 19 has motivated television facilities to remotely manage engineering functions previously accomplished with in-person visits. Today, new technology installation and certification, system reconfigurations, as well as maintenance and monitoring of system health are being managed from afar. The enabler of this is TV system virtualization.

November Meeting 2020

Covid innovation or IT best practice? Find out at the November meeting of SMTPE NY TV technology thought leaders from Broadcast, Cable, and OTT view the enablement of remote faculty management COVID 19 has motivated television facilities to remotely manage engineering functions previously accomplished with in-person visits. Today, new technology installation and certification, system reconfigurations, as well as maintenance and monitoring of system health are being managed from afar. The enabler of this is TV system virtualization.


Topics will include:
- While COVID 19 is motivating remote engineering, was it inevitable as TV systems become virtual?
- How will AI influence remote engineering of virtual systems?
- OTT TV facilities have been virtual for some time, is remote engineering routine for them?
- How hard is to virtualize TV facilities?

Confirmed speakers:
- Mark Aitken Senior VP of Technology at Sinclair Broadcast Group
- Andy Warman, Director, Product Management - Live Linear, Comcast Technology Solutions
- Tom Sahara, former VP of Technology at Turner Sports, also recent past president of the Sports Video Group for past 6 years.
- Evan Statton, Principal Architect Media and Entertainment, Amazon Web Services
- Joonyoung Park, VP and Fellow, DigiCAP, Small Korean company working to virtualize arguably the most hardware centric TV product category of all: RF Transmission.

Moderator: Josh Gordon

Nov 19, 2020 05:30 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)