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The 2024 Media Technology Summit

SMPTE Toronto Section April Meeting

Standards Update for the Media Industry

SMPTE Toronto Section April Meeting

Standards Update for the Media Industry


The standards update topic will share the current state of the professional media industry standards. The presentations will cover:

Updates from SMPTE
● Rapid Industry Solutions (RIS)
● Public Committee Draft (PCD)
● SMPTE GitHub
● Free Standards
● SMPTE 32nf, ST 2110 and ST 2059 (plus IEEE 1588 v2.1)
● And more

Updates from Advanced Media Workflow Association (AMWA) on the latest over Networked Media Open Specifications (NMOS), that enables discovery, control, monitoring and securing devices on IP infrastructures
● Latest workshop
● NMOS and security

The Video Service Forum (VSF) is an international association comprised of service providers, users and manufacturers dedicated to interoperability, quality metrics and education for video networking technologies. The presentation will include the latest developments on:
● TR-07/8/9 (JPEG-XS)
● IPMX (Internet Protocol Media Experience)

Our presenters are:
Thomas Bause Mason, Director Standards and Development, SMPTE 
Leigh Whitcomb, SMPTE 32nf co-chair, Architect, Imagine Communication
Félix Poulin, Director of Media Architecture& Lab, CBC; member of the international standardization associations as SMPTE, AMWA, VSF, NABA
John Mailhot, VSF Director, CTO & Director of Product Management, Imagine Communication

Q&A panel will follow the scheduled presentations.