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The 2024 Media Technology Summit

UK Section September Meeting

SMPTE UK – back together again after lockdown! So…what’s been going on in our industry over the past 18 months? Join us for an informative and opinionated panel discussion with lots of opportunity for audience Q&A and debate! Bring your questions for our expert panel

UK Section September Meeting

SMPTE UK – back together again after lockdown! So…what’s been going on in our industry over the past 18 months? Join us for an informative and opinionated panel discussion with lots of opportunity for audience Q&A and debate! Bring your questions for our expert panel


We’ll be looking at a range of topics including:

  • How did the industry adapt to Covid, and what of all this will we retain as we come out of lockdown?
  • Who needs standards when you can do everything with Open Source, a cloud platform and a credit card?
  • Where are we upto with Next Generation Audio and Object-based media?
  • Connectivity - did fibre households have a better lockdown than ADSL ones?
  • What’s been happening with UHD and HDR?
  • Everybody’s been talking about Cloud – but who’s using it for real in production and distribution?

Ample refreshments will be provided, courtesy of our event sponsors Pixit Media.

Attendance is free of charge. Register here!


Preference will be given to SMPTE members, but newcomers are very welcome!