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The 2024 Media Technology Summit

SMPTE RIS Update: Color Management for On-Set Virtual Production

Introducing the next phase of the SMPTE Rapid Industry Solutions initiative: color management for on-set virtual production.

SMPTE RIS Update: Color Management for On-Set Virtual Production

Introducing the next phase of the SMPTE Rapid Industry Solutions initiative: color management for on-set virtual production.


The role of color science in the production workflow has significantly changed in the virtual production environment. With numerous light and color interactions between cameras, LED displays, real-time rendering engines, and lighting objects on set, it's important to understand how to control color across all of the different components so that you can achieve your artistic vision in the most effective, efficient way possible and avoid costly fixes in post-production.

"Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist." -- Pablo Picasso

Introducing the next phase of the SMPTE Rapid Industry Solutions initiative: color management for on-set virtual production. Join the RIS Council of Color as they share their current progress and future goals in an effort to recommend best practices, describe common pitfalls, and identify gray areas that need more investigation to improve color management throughout the entire virtual production ecosystem.



Catherine Meininger headshot

Catherine Meininger

Director of Color Science , Portrait Displays

Catherine Meininger is the Director of Color Science at Portrait Displays, a company that provides color display solutions for global device manufacturers, content creators, and content distributors. At Portrait Displays, she is the lead designer and developer of the Aurora Color Engine within the Calman color calibration software. She also leads a growing team of color scientists that investigate display calibration methodologies and other color research initiatives that are relevant to the creative industry as a whole, such as color management for on-set virtual production. She represents Portrait Displays as a part of the OSVP working groups with the ETC and SMPTE RIS. Ms. Meininger earned her bachelor's degree in Motion Picture Science from the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).

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Tim Kang headshot

Tim Kang

Principal Engineer, Imaging Applications , Aputure

Tim S. Kang, a NY and LA based cinematographer, has worked in the motion picture industry as a cinematographer on narrative, commercial, and documentary projects. He also serves as principal engineer, imaging applications for Aputure, after a 6 year tenure as principal engineer, color and imaging, for Quasar Science, a Videndum Production Solutions lighting solutions company. In this former capacity, he co-founded and chairs the Lighting Committee for the American Society of Cinematographers' Motion Imaging Technology Council.

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Rod Bogart headshot

Rod Bogart

Principal Color Scientist , Epic Games

Rod Bogart is an imaging science technologist in the entertainment industry. He began his career in 1992 at Pacific Data Images, followed by ten years at Industrial Light & Magic. At ILM, Rod was instrumental in the design, implementation, and deployment of the industry standard OpenEXR image format, which is at the core of ACES (Academy Color Encoding System). He then spent nine years as the lead color scientist at Pixar, pioneering file-based workflows with Pixar's Image Mastering team and contributing to the design of the system which became the SMPTE IMF (Interoperable Master Format). Rod then worked at HBO for three years, researching next generation display and distribution techniques for high dynamic range content. Rod is currently the Principal Color Scientist in the Virtual Production Tools team at Epic Games, concentrating on color pipeline. Rod is a member of the Visual Effects branch of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and has participated in investigations for the Science and Technical Awards Committee for the past ten years. He is ACES vice-chair, and a member of SMPTE and VES. His initials are RGB.

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Ritchie Argue headshot

Ritchie Argue

Director of R&D , Fuse Technical Group

Ritchie Argue is the Director of R&D at Fuse Technical Group. He is also a co-chair for the SMPTE RIS Interop working group and the LED display lead for the Entertainment Technology Center's Virtual Production Working Group. His focus is on simplifying the complexities of cutting-edge display technologies for use in real-time production environments. Prior to joining Fuse, Ritchie spent over 15 years as a product manager and technical contributor to LED display and processing systems, working at Planar, VER, Barco, and Element Labs. He received his BS from the University of BC in Vancouver, BC, and his MS in computer science from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

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