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The 2024 Media Technology Summit


Welcome to the Rochester, NY Section of SMPTE

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The Rochester Section of the SMPTE consists of all the members of the Society that reside in the Upstate NY region. The section holds monthly meetings with technical topics, usually held on the 3rd Thursday of the month.

The parent organization of the Rochester Section is the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. SMPTE is an international, award-winning technical society devoted to advancing the theory and application of motion-imaging technology including film, television, video, computer imaging, and telecommunications. Our membership is made up of engineers, executives, technical directors, cameramen, editors, consultants, educators and specialists in film processing, film and television production and post-production, and practitioners from almost every other discipline in the motion-imaging industry.

The Society was founded in 1916, as the Society of Motion Picture Engineers. The "T" was added in 1950 to embrace the emerging television industry.SMPTE is recognized around the globe as a leader in the development of standards and authoritative, consensus-based recommended practices (RPs) and engineering guidelines (EGs). The Society serves all branches of motion imaging including film, video, and multimedia.