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Early Registration for the 2024 Media Technology Summit Is Now Open

2022 Society Elections for Officers and Governors


The 2022 Elections for Officers and Governors of the Society open on Monday, 15 August, and close at 11:59pm GMT on Monday, 26 September. All Active category members are eligible to vote (this includes Professional, Executive, Fellow, Retired, Life, and Honorary members).

All voting members are eligible to vote for Board Officer Candidates as well as Governor Candidates within their Region.

For SMPTE policies and procedures regarding Society Elections, including determination and appeal of election results, please see Section 9.5 of the Governance Operations Manual.

Cast Your Vote

WIN - Society Elections Raffle (1)On or before 15 August, all eligible voting members will receive an email at the address listed in your membership record. This email will contain a unique link that will allow you to access the ballot without entering a username and password. This link will be valid for the course of the elections.

If you misplace or do not receive your personal link, you can also access the ballot by logging in to the voting system through the following link, https://eballot4.votenet.com/smpte, using your Last Name (for your username) and Membership Number (for your password) - NOT your smpte.org username and password

Once you have accessed the voting system, you will be able to view only the ballot for your Region. If you feel you have been assigned to an incorrect Region, please close the ballot without voting and contact elections@smpte.org immediately so that we can update your record and allow you to participate in the election for the correct Region.

If you do not know your Membership Number, simply log in to www.SMPTE.org, and you will find your member number at the top of the right hand column on the "My Account" page. If you are unable to log in, please contact membership@smpte.org or +1-914-205-2376.

Ballot Instructions

The ballot will list all available positions and the candidates running for each. Under each open position, you will see instructions indicating the number of candidates for which you can vote. Each candidate will have a photo and a brief candidate statement. Click the "details" link at the bottom of each candidate's statement to view their full candidate statement. In addition, on the right hand side of the screen you will see an "Instructions" tab, which provides voting instructions, and a "Details" tab, which will allow you to view each candidate's full statement and photo. Each open position also contains a "Write In" choice, should you wish to vote for a member not listed on the ballot.

Placing Your Vote

Once you have made your selections, you will have an opportunity to review and confirm your choices before submitting your vote. Once you have submitted your ballot, your votes cannot be changed. You will no longer have access to the ballot. You are also able to print a confirmation of your votes with a unique ID and timestamp, should you wish to have a copy for your records.


2022 Board Officer Candidates

The Board Officers comprise the Executive Committee, which, according to the Governance Operations Manual, "takes interim action on urgent policy or business matters which arise between Board meetings, and serves the Board by maintaining a close and continuing supervision over the operations of the Society." A listing of current Board Officers can be found here: https://www.smpte.org/board

The following Candidates are running for a Board Officer position in the 2022 Society Elections. All Officer Candidates are running for a two-year term, beginning 1 January 2023 and ending 31 December 2024.


Two-Year Term, 2023-2024
One Open Position

Renard Jenkins | Senior Vice President, Production Integration & Creative Technology Services, Warner Bros. Discovery


  • Currently SMPTE Executive Vice-President
  • Former SMPTE Membership Vice-President
  • Chair of SMPTE’s Global Inclusion working group
  • Founding member of the OSA Microservices group
  • Participant in Standards Committees
  • Former SMPTE Board Governor
  • Former Washington DC Section Manager
  • I am also a proud SMPTE Fellow.

Hi there! I entered my 35th year in this crazy industry at the start of 2022, and I am still having fun. I started out dragging cables and booming on film sets before entering the wide world of live sports and music entertainment as a camera and sound tech, while I was still at the University and immediately following. When I started a family, my traveling days had to slow down…for a while. So, I moved indoors and on to editing, compositing and music production sound engineering. Because of my love for film production and sound, I continued to work in the music industry on over 100 videos and short films as a side gig (and still do today).

Like many of you, I am a life-long learner so throughout that entire time, I was working toward additional engineering, application, training/education and systems certifications. One day, I was asked to join the R&D efforts for my employer and that is how I got interested in standards. I am happy to be an active member of this Society and I have enjoyed being a Section Manager, Working Group Chair, Governor, Fellow, Board and ExCom Member. However, I am most excited by the opportunity to work with and learn from the people that I studied throughout my journey. To me, that is one of the greatest gifts of SMPTE membership. As SMPTE Executive Vice President, I get to work with other dedicated members of this organization to highlight all that this Society has to offer and explore ways to expand on its reach in the M&E industry. My goal for the future is simple. I want to afford as many people as I can the opportunity to succeed in their careers and have fun while doing it.

Executive Vice-President

Two-Year Term, 2023-2024
One Open Position

Richard Welsh | SVP Innovation, Deluxe Media Inc.

Deluxe 0138-Rich_Welsh

  • Governor at large (2021-22)
  • Education Vice President (2016-17)
  • Governor EMEA Central/South America (2011-2015)
  • Co-chair of SMPTE UK Media Technology Conference
  • Co-chair of Media in the Cloud initiative
  • SMTPE Fellow
I have been in the media technology industry for over 20 years. I joined Dolby Labs in 1999 as a sound engineer before moving into picture (specializing in Digital Cinema). While at Dolby, I was involved in the transition of feature film from 35mm to digital in products, technology and services. I was also active in the rollout of 3D, HDR and object-based audio. I received an Honorary Doctor of Technology degree from Southampton Solent University, where I subsequently taught on the Media Technology degree at Solent. I established Sundog Media Toolkit Ltd in 2013, where I was CEO. I first became involved with SMPTE in Standards for frame rates for cinema, and later more generally digital cinema (at that time 21DC). My first experience with the SMPTE Board was in 2011 when I joined as a Regional Governor, where I re-established the SMPTE UK Section alongside a newly formed board. I also served as the chair of the Future of Cinema Conference at NAB and the Big Screen conference at IBC for several years. I served a two-year term as SMPTE Education Vice-President. In 2021 I rejoined the SMPTE Board as a Governor at Large and I am also serving as Co-Chair for the SMPTE Media in the Cloud initiative. I am firmly future focused, both in my career and my work with SMPTE. I have great respect for our history as a Society, leading the way in motion picture and sound technology for over a century. I believe that we were born out of the need for progress, and as an organization we need to embrace constant change as our essential DNA. Value for existing members and becoming more diverse and inclusive are equally important in sustaining SMPTE. Standards are needed more than ever, but the industry landscape is transforming rapidly with more and more open-source software and cloud-based workflows. We need to transform too, in how we serve the media technology community. As Executive Vice-President I will work with our President, Executive Committee, and the Board to ensure that SMPTE is an organization of the future. I believe that radical change is needed in SMPTE to match the changes we are seeing in the world around us, from issues of inequality and environmental sustainability to technological change, governance, and corporate responsibility.


Two-Year Term, 2023-2024
One Open Position

Lisa Hobbs | Senior Director Broadcast Sales, Mediakind

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  • SMPTE Atlanta section manager (2019 – Present)
  • SMPTE member since 2007

It has been two years since I was first asked to run for the SMPTE Board position of Southern Region Governor.  My first thought was, “I’m not an engineer, what do I have to offer?” One answer to that question was the unique perspective I had gained from more than 30 years in the industry in roles ranging from product management, to business development, to sales—first with Scientific-Atlanta, then NDS/TANDBERG Television/Ericsson/MediaKind. My strength throughout all the years and positions I’ve held has been to learn what I need to know technically from experts in the field—SMPTE’s membership—then apply it to solutions that help customers realize the benefits that these technologies bring to them. Learning is why I became a member of SMPTE, it’s why I've never missed the Media Technology Summit (formerly known as the Annual Technical Conference), and it’s why I have served as an Atlanta Section Manager since 2019. I have even served on the paper review committee one year. When declining membership meant the Southern Region lost one of its Governor positions, I was asked to consider running for Secretary/Treasurer. This new role will still enable me to serve SMPTE while continuing to bring a unique viewpoint to the organization. I would like to see SMPTE continually showcase the real-world applications for the standards being created. With your support, I hope to be able to do so.

Education Vice-President

Two-Year Term, 2023-2024
One Open Position

Michael Zink | VP Emerging & Creative Technologies, Warner Bros. Discovery





  • TC-10E Co-Chair
  • SMPTE Fellow (2018)
  • Governor-at-Large (2020)
  • Education Vice President (2021/22)
  • Recipient of the SMPTE Journal
  • Certificate of Merit (2021)

Throughout my career, I had the privilege of being at the forefront of new technology and how it impacts the Media & Entertainment industry. I started out working for various post-production companies in Germany during the introduction of DVD into the consumer market. This led me to join Technicolor – first in London, UK and later in Los Angeles, CA. My time at Technicolor allowed me to participate in the introduction of multiple different new technologies into the M&E industry – HDTV (including HD DVD & Blu-ray Discs), technologies for 3D Cinema & 3D Blu-ray, Immersive Audio developments, all the way to the early days of 4K & HDR. After 10 years at Technicolor, I joined Warner Bros. to continue my journey and help the Studio launch Ultra HD into the consumer market, leading the effort to establish ‘Filmmaker Mode’ to maintain creative intent on consumer displays via the UHD Alliance (where I currently also serve as President & Chairman), and assist in developing Next-Gen Cinema Standards within DCI. My most recent work at Warner Bros. is focused on leveraging emerging technologies to further storytelling across different platforms, such as Immersive Media applications. I have always been passionate about sharing our learnings and experiences to help our entire industry advance forward, including presentations at industry conferences along with chairing program committees for SMPTE and related conferences, and have also published several technical papers in the Motion Imaging Journal, among other publications. During my current term as Education Vice President, we started exploring various initiatives to expand SMPTE’s education offerings, and I intent to continue these efforts to develop educational offerings for educating our members in meaningful ways about the latest developments in the M&E industry, including how emerging technologies will impact their business and provide opportunities for their careers.

2022 Regional Governor Candidates

As stated in the Governance Operations Manual, the Board of Governors "is the top governing body of the Society and within the framework of the Bylaws decides policy which governs all Society activities...[The] Board is comprised of Society Officers, Regional Governors, and members elected by the Board." Specific information on the duties and responsibilities of the Board can be found in Section 7 of the Governance Operations Manual.

A listing of the current members of the Board of Governors can be found here: https://www.smpte.org/board

The following Candidates are running for a Regional Governor position in the 2022 Society Elections. All Regional Governor Candidates are running for a two-year term, beginning 1 January 2023 and ending 31 December 2024.

Asia-Pacific Region: Tony Ngai

One Open Position


Tony Ngai Tin Ming | Founder/Director, Society of Motion Imaging Ltd.

  • Hong Kong Section Membership Chair
  • Hong Kong Section Chair
  • SMPTE Life Fellow

I joined the SMPTE Hollywood Section as student member in 1974, and I have been since been so impressed by the passion of SMPTE’s participants in media and entertainment technology. I was one of the strong supporters when SMPTE-HK was established in 1994 as Membership Chair, and then I became Section chair from 2003 to 2014, as well as from 2018 to 2020. In 2017, I was honored to receive SMPTE’s Life Fellow status. In 2008 I was invited by A.S.C - American Society of Cinematographers to be the Associate Member. In 2016, I set up the Society of Motion Imaging Ltd with four other professionals in Hong Kong to support more education, training, seminars, and workshops for the film and tv industries. Furthermore, I am also honored that the Hong Kong Society of Cinematographers honored me with the “Professional Achievement Award” in their 30th anniversary in 2018. In 2020, I was elected SMPTE Asia-Pacific Region Governor for 2021 to 2022. In 2021, I also joined SMPTE RIS on OSVP as contributor to support the RIS initiative. My goal is to support the reach of SMPTE in Asian regions, and I aim to add values to SMPTE members including SMPTE student members.

Canada Region: François Bourdua

One Open Position

François Bourdua | Consultant/Broadcast and Media Technology
VS-TEK, Strategies & technologies

Francois Bourdua

  • Montreal Section, Secretary/ Treasurer since 2013-2014
  • Co-organiser of SMPTE Montreal Bootcamp since 2014
  • Lead organizer for FCTM 2022 (student job fair, first edition)
  • Co-Lead for student burseries program inception
  • Citation for Outstanding Service to the Society (2021)

Professionnellement actif depuis plus de 39 ans, François Bourdua a oeuvré dans le secteur de la production vidéo, principalement comme directeur technique, et dans le secteur de la postproduction télévisuelle et cinématographique, comme vice-président technologies. À l’automne 2009, il fonde VS-TEK, une entreprise de consultation et de gestion de projet. Au cours de sa carrière, M. Bourdua a eu l’opportunité de relever, avec ses collègues et partenaires, de nombreux défis et réaliser plusieurs premières technologiques, notamment dans le domaine de la restauration film, de la postproduction 2K et 4K, et du cinéma numérique. Plus récemment, avec VS-TEK, il a été impliqué dans plusieurs projets d’envergure chez Radio-Canada, Télé-Québec, l’ATM de Jonquière et le Canadien de Montréal. M. Bourdua est un membre en règle de la SMPTE depuis 1997. Aujourd’hui, il désire amener à un niveau plus global son implication active, débutée en 2011, en soumettant sa candidature au poste de gouverneur canadien (mandat 2023-2025).

Professionally active for over 39 years, François Bourdua has worked in TV production mainly as technical manager, and in film and television postproduction as Vice-president, technologies (CTO). During fall 2009, he started VS-TEK, a consulting and project management company. Over the course of his career, M. Bourdua, his teams and partners successfully took many technological challenges and were responsible for many technology premieres in film restoration, 2K/ 4K postproduction and D-Cinema just to name a few. More recently, thru VS-TEK he was involved in many key projects with customers like the CBC, Télé-Québec, Jonquière’s media college ATM and The Montreal Canadians hockey team. M. Bourdua is an active SMPTE member since 1997 and a committee member since 2011. He now wishes direct his involvement in the SMPTE community at a more global level by applying for the Canadian regional governor position (2023-2025 term).

USA - Central Region: William T. Hayes

One Open Position

William T. Hayes | Director of Engineering and Technology,
Iowa Public Television


I am currently the Director of Engineering and Technology for Iowa Public Television. I have worked in broadcasting my entire professional career, starting while attending Loyola Marymount University. My television experience includes the construction of two startup stations, rebuilding and renovation of two other stations and the complete transition of the Iowa PBS network to digital and began high-definition production in 1999. In addition to my position at Iowa PBS, I am an author for TV Technology magazine and the Past-President of the IEEE Broadcast Technology Society. I am a strong believer in lifelong learning and development. From 1999 through 2008 I led the team and created the technical program for the Iowa DTV Symposium, an internationally recognized and attended educational event that helped technical and creative professionals understand and prepare for digital broadcasting and high-definition content production and workflow. I was recognized as the 2008 Educator of the year by the Society of Broadcast Engineers. Within SMPTE, I am the current Central Region Governor. I am also involved in standards including the TC- 31FS30 WG on AXF. I am also serving on the David Sarnoff Medal Award committee. I am also one of the founding members of the SMPTE JAM Band. Professional societies exist to serve the membership and the industries in which the members work. Among my goals are working within SMPTE on developing educational programs and products for media industries. I would also work to develop and grow the Society's international footprint through cooperative ventures with other organizations on both global educational initiatives and standardization projects.

USA - Eastern Region: Dover Mundt

One Open Position

Dover Mundt | Account Manager, Riedel Communications


  • Manager Pittsburgh Section
  • Manager Philadelphia Section
  • Chair Philadelphia Section

I started out in the broadcast industry when I was just a kid, literally a little kid. My dad taught me to build my first coax cable when I was 9. I spent my weekends and vacations running around the bowels of stadiums and squirming through cable troughs in TV trucks. My father got me interested in everything regarding engineering. I loved working during the transition from analog to standard def and then to high def.  It has been absolutely fascinating to see IT become intrinsically intertwined with broadcasting and wonderful to be continuously learning new things. I have always been thrilled to see how quickly this industry changes and have loved learning every new portion of the technology, even when they don’t pan out or last. I want to bring young new brilliant engineers into the SMPTE fold.  Broadcast engineering is challenging, exciting, and always evolving and I really want to get more young, brilliant kids into this field. I want them to be as weirdly fascinated by all things broadcast as I have always been. My focus will be on growing the SMPTE Sections and getting new young blood into broadcast engineering. Our industry as a whole needs more engineers and I want to help in getting them. 

Europe, Africa, Middle East, Central and South America Region: Fernando Bittencourt

One Open Position

Fernando Bittencourt | Director President, FB Consultant


  • Fellow Member 2016
  • EX- Latim America Governor
  • SMPTE Life Member
  • Active member

As Past president of SET (Brazilian Society of TV Engineers) I can stablish a close relation between the two organizations (SMPTE and SET). In SET, we are working hard for the next generation of Digital TV and we can exchange a close and productive technical relation. I will be able to promote and grow the penetration of SMPTE in Latin America, which is currently low due to a lack of local representation. Media is extremely complex, mixing broadcasters, linear TV, social media, and professional content producers. Both technical and business matters require deep analysis, and SMPTE and SET (Brazil) are the best organizations to help to contribute to the harmonization of these topics.

USA - Hollywood Region: Eric Gsell

Two Open Positions

Eric Gsell | Staff Engineer, Dolby Laboratories

Eric Gsell square

  • Active SMPTE member since 2000
  • Chairperson of the SMPTE Awards Review Committee
  • Served as Section Chair
  • Served as Secretary/Treasurer 
  • Served Section Manager
  • 2008 SMPTE Annual Technical Conference Volunteer Coordinator
  • Vice-Chair (2009) and Chair (2010-2019) for the Annual Technical Conference

I am a Staff Engineer at Dolby Laboratories, where I have worked on research and operations pertaining to Imaging for the past 16 years. I have been involved with the development, research and testing of the DCI specifications for Digital Cinema, H.264 and the Dolby imaging products using those technologies. I have been actively involved in SMPTE since 2000 initially participating in compression standards.  I have been a local Section Manager, Secretary/Treasurer, Section Chair and a member of the Local Arrangements Committee for the SMPTE Media Technology Summit as a Volunteer Coordinator (2008), Vice-Chair (2009) and Chair (2010-2019) for the conference. As a current Board member I am actively working on creating a more inclusive and broad approach to membership and the awards and recognition process. I am also keenly focused on the educational pillar of SMPTE and how young professionals and students are able to find opportunities and avenues of success within the greater organization and how the organization can better cater to the next generation of Engineers and Entertainment Professionals.

USA - Hollywood Region: Allan J Schollnick

Allan J Schollnick | Business Development Executive - Sales, Voxx Studios / AJS Media Consultants


  • Hollywood Section Manager - Active since 2003 - 2022
  • Hollywood Secretary Treasurer - 4 X
  • Hollywood Section Chair - 2X
  • Fall Conference Sponsorship Co-Sponsor - 5 X
  • Adjunct Hollywood Board Local Sponsorship Activities
  • Produced Section meetings several times since 2003
  • Recipient of SMPTE Citation for Outstanding Service to the Organization
  • Hollywood Adjunct BOM and Sponsorship Chair

My name is Allan Schollnick, I have been in the post-production, distribution, and technical services of media and entertainment for over 30 years. My current position is Vice President of Sales at Voxx Studios LLC. I have been able to balance my career and family and maintain a high level of participation within SMPTE over many years, always advancing the three pillars’ Standards, Education and Sponsorship. I have held executive positions at THX Ltd., DreamWorks SKG, Turner Broadcasting and, The Walt Disney Company. All at various levels of creative, operational, and technical disciplines. As I have held all positions at SMPTE on the local level, this combined with my industry experiences, makes me an excellent candidate for Governor. I understand what is needed, and I also see where we need to go for the future. I possess a BS from the University of Phoenix in Global Business Management, and an AAS in Communications, Television and Film from Monroe Community College Rochester NY. In 2019, I was recognized with the Citation for Outstanding Service to the Society award in recognition of more than 30 years of service to the Hollywood Section. I have always been a SMPTE champion, promoting the Society to other organizations at industry events.

USA - Hollywood Region: Marty Meyer

Marty Meyer | Accounts / Office Manager, Gravity Media


  • Hollywood Section Manager- 1 term,
  • Hollywood Section Chair - 2 terms
  • Liaison to Motion Picture Academy- 3 years and ongoing
  • Hospitality for in-person Section meetings - 5 years and ongoing.
  • Currently Hollywood Region Governor
  • Member of Esport and nominations committees.

I began my professional career managing broadcast technical operations for network and local Los Angeles television facilities ABC and CBS. Moving to broadcast equipment rental companies, I have worked as director of engineering, marketing and business development serving scripted, non scripted and sports clients. I currently works for Gravity Media/Gear House in Los Angeles where I manage strategic accounts for production and post -production rentals. I received my bachelor’s degree from San Diego in TV/Film, English, Speech Pathology and Audiology, and studied broadcast engineering at KCSM in the SF Bay area. I holds an FCC License and an Emmy for Olympic sports broadcasting. I chaired the Hollywood Section of SMPTE for two terms, attracting new members by looking beyond the traditional participant profile and initiated a curriculum that challenges perceptions. With experience gained producing events and workshops for the Sports Video Group, Panasonic, Canon, Red the ICG et.al, I provide the hospitality for Section meetings. If I look familiar, you’ve likely seen me minding the buffet table at Section meetings.

USA - New York Region: Thomas A Mauro

USA - New York Region

One Open Position

Thomas A Mauro | COO / Co-Founder, Logical Noise, LLC

TMauro (Copy)

  • I am currently one of the NY Region Governors
  • NY Section - producing and co-producing meetings, hosting Board of Managers meetings (until Nov 2019), raising awareness for SMPTE, working on Student Chapter and Section membership growth, and the holiday parties for the Section.
  • Member of the awards review committee chaired by Eric Gsell.

My current position as a consultant has me providing many services from media system design to producing live music shows and television pilots. Previously I was Sales Manager for enterprise MAM systems at Arvato; Sales Manager/The Americas with Dolby’s Emmy winning reference monitor team and with systems integrators and international media manufacturers since the 1980s. My SMPTE history began in 1984 in the Boston Section as an industry newbie. I have been a multi term Manager in Rochester NY and have been active in the Atlanta, Los Angeles and Toronto Sections. In NY, I have attended, hosted, produced and moderated monthly meetings since 2012. I have greatly enjoyed my SMPTE relationship for 40yrs. I believe SMPTE has made a difference in our industry, and I do my small part to further the cause. I have two goals for the coming post Covid years, whether I am re-elected or not. First a renewed effort to form and nurture Student Chapters wherever they may be. And to continue and redouble efforts to grow the minority and female membership – young and old – to reinvigorate our Sections.

USA - Western Region: Jeffrey F. Way

One Open Position

Jeffrey F. Way | Global Accounts RSM, Quantum 


I am a 35 year veteran of the M&E industry. I have been fortunate enough to have graduated from the University of California at Berkeley, and my first job was as a forensic accident reconstruction engineer using 2 & 3D animation tools and analog editing equipment. I’ve been a member of the SF Bay Area Section on and off my whole career and joined in earnest in 2004. I am beginning my second term as San Francisco Section Manager this year. My interest in SMPTE is to continue the important work guiding the tools of communication with the same cunning and resolve that has been characterized the organization for the last 100+ years. I believe the best way to ensure SMPTE continues to lead innovation in an orderly manner is to appeal to and focus on today’s students. Those students need a conduit from their dreams as undergrads to gainful employment working as the digital contractors of the future.

United Kingdom Region: Chris Johns

One Open Position

Chris Johns | Chief Engineer – Group Architecture, Sky UK

Chris Johns

  • UK Section Chair 2012 – 2016
  • Fellow 2013
  • Ongoing UK Board of Managers
  • Stds RDD 59-1 (TSP 2121-1) Co Chair (DPP)

Chris Johns has been working with Sky in the UK since its inception in 1989. He began his broadcast career with the BBC over 37 years ago.  In his role as Chief Engineer, Chris has been at the forefront of delivering broadcast functionality to the platform such as Multi channel Digital Playout facilities, Multichannel Digital audio, Server based solutions, HD and UHD embracing HDR. Chris is continuing with Sky to enhance the entertainment delivered across a multitude of different platforms from a common core whilst maintaining the audio and visual quality the customer has come to expect from today’s technologies from content creation to the Screen in the viewer’s home. Chris was elevated to SMPTE Fellow in 2013 recognising his outstanding work in the development of Television platforms and Innovative technology in the UK. He served as the first Chair of the UK Section from 2012-2016. His goal is to work with the UK Section and educational establishments to develop initiatives to enhance the offering of SMPTE to students and help further their career in the industry.  He believes that this is key to ensuring the youth of today can embrace the experience that our industry can offer. He continues to work with our current chair and managers to promote the society in the UK and aim to continue offering our initiatives as part of the Governor role to the Society as a whole.