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2023 Society Elections for Officers and Governors


The 2023 Elections for Officers and Governors of the Society open on Monday, 21 August, and close at 11:59pm GMT on Monday, 25 September. All Active category members are eligible to vote (this includes Professional, Executive, Fellow, Retired, Life, and Honorary members).

All voting members are eligible to vote for Board Officer Candidates as well as Governor Candidates within their Region.

For SMPTE policies and procedures regarding Society Elections, including determination and appeal of election results, please see Section 9.5 of the Governance Operations Manual.

Raffle Prizes 2023 Society Elections (1)

How Simply Voting Works

To vote, visit https://smpte.simplyvoting.com/ and enter your SMPTE Member Number and Voter Password. Your password is randomly generated by Simply Voting and will be emailed to you when the elections open. You will also receive a unique direct voting link that will automatically log you in and bring you to your available ballots.

If your login was successful, you will be shown a menu listing all current ballots in which you are eligible to vote. If you have not yet voted, you may click on the ballot name and an electronic ballot will appear. If you are not part of a Section or if your Section's ballot is not yet open, you will not see any available ballots.

Once you submit a ballot, the results are encrypted and stored in a database. Your SMPTE Member Number is then flagged as "voted" and will not be eligible to vote on this ballot again.

Privacy and Security

Simply Voting was designed from the ground-up to minimize the risk of electoral fraud. Voters who bypass authentication or have already voted are denied access to the ballot, and ballots are checked for validity before being accepted. Nobody could ever find out what a particular voter has voted as the results are stored anonymously.

Communication between your computer and our website is encrypted with TLS 1.2. Our servers are "hardened" and are routinely subjected to PCI Compliance security scans. Our application code adheres to guidelines set out by the Open Web Application Security Project.

For More Information

Please contact elections@smpte.org

If you do not know your Membership Number, simply log in to www.SMPTE.org, and you will find your member number at the top of the right hand column on the "My Account" page. If you are unable to log in, please contact membership@smpte.org or +1-914-205-2376.

Placing Your Vote

Once you have made your selections, you will have an opportunity to review and confirm your choices before submitting your vote. Once you have submitted your ballot, your votes cannot be changed. You will no longer have access to the ballot. You are also able to print a confirmation of your votes with a unique ID and timestamp, should you wish to have a copy for your records.


2023 Board Officer Candidates

The Board Officers comprise the Executive Committee, which, according to the Governance Operations Manual, "takes interim action on urgent policy or business matters which arise between Board meetings, and serves the Board by maintaining a close and continuing supervision over the operations of the Society." A listing of current Board Officers can be found here: https://www.smpte.org/board

The following Candidates are running for a Board Officer position in the 2023 Society Elections. All Officer Candidates are running for a two-year term, beginning 1 January 2024 and ending 31 December 2025.

Standards Vice-President: Sally Hattori

Two-Year Term, 2024-2025
One Open Position

Sally Hattori | StudioLAB, The Walt Disney Studios

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Finance Vice-President: Paul Stechly

Two-Year Term, 2024-2025
One Open Position

Paul Stechly | President, Applied Electronics Limited 

Finance_Paul Stechly

I am the president of Applied Electronics which is a family business as a large Broadcast and Audio Visual Systems Integrator across Canada. I am in my 38th year of my career. I have been a SMPTE Member since 1996 and like many, I got my start within the governance of SMPTE at the Section level in Toronto. I served two terms as Canadian Governor and went on to become Membership and then Finance VP.

As a long time business owner, I am well suited for the role of Finance VP. As well, my long tenure on the SMPTE Board has allowed me to be immediately familiar with the finances of SMPTE. As well, I am able lend my considerable business experience tto the benefit of SMPTE. Between my local Section and Board experience, I am now in my 19th year of service to The Society. It is one of the truly rewarding aspects of my career. Like so many that I work with on the bard the growth and future of SMPTE is our collective mission. The future of SMPTE is our utmost concern. As leaders in the media technology space, we need to move with the times in terms of growth into new verticals. I am confident that SMPTE can accomplish this next transition.

Membership Vice-President: Rosemarie (Rose) Lockwood

Two-Year Term, 2023-2024
One Open Position

Rosemarie (Rose) Lockwood | Global Account Director, Belden








I have been involved with SMPTE for a long time and last few years as Membership VP working with the SMPTE Office Team and the SMPTE Membership Directors. Prior I was Governor in the New York Section, it has been an enjoyable and rewarding experience. 
Having a degree in electronics engineering, I have dedicated nearly 30 years to the Broadcast and A/V industry.  I am currently working for Belden as a Global Account Director.  
I have worked with as New York Governor in fundraising efforts for Students.  Also help with “Friends of SMPTE” and have assisted with meetings and recruitment of new members as a NY Governor.  I truly believe that SMPTE is an organization that has so much to offer.
I am deeply involved in the broadcast industry and deeply committed to the New York SMPTE section and will provide knowledgeable New York.
My goals for the future will be to leverage my associates and customers as well as my experiences and contributions to encourage greater involvement and to grow and invigorate SMPTE participation and education.  I am excited about the opportunity to bring in younger professionals to the SMPTE organization.  I enjoy promoting SMPTE now through remote medias such as LinkedIn to encourage them to look to what SMPTE has to offer to them. I hope to continue these efforts as a governor if elected.

2023 Regional Governor Candidates

As stated in the Governance Operations Manual, the Board of Governors "is the top governing body of the Society and within the framework of the Bylaws decides policy which governs all Society activities...[The] Board is comprised of Society Officers, Regional Governors, and members elected by the Board." Specific information on the duties and responsibilities of the Board can be found in Section 7 of the Governance Operations Manual.

A listing of the current members of the Board of Governors can be found here: https://www.smpte.org/board

The following Candidates are running for a Regional Governor position in the 2023 Society Elections. All Regional Governor Candidates are running for a two-year term, beginning 1 January 2024 and ending 31 December 2025.

Asia-Pacific Region: Michael Frank Day

One Open Position


Michael Frank Day | Product Management Lead for Professional Media
Telstra Australia

Michael Frank Day is a technically focused senior executive with an extensive background in broadcast technology, digital media, information systems and telecommunications. With over thirty years’ experience in the product management, pre-sale, design, deployment, operation and management of digital infrastructure, specialising in architectures that transform media delivery. 
Having been held roles focused on free-to-air television, subscription television, major event television, telecommunications, digital media and cloud with Seven Network, Fox Sports, Network Ten, Imagine Communications and now Telstra.
Michael has been a member of the local SMPTE board for more than a decade and is currently Regional Governor for Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands.
In 2012 Michael was recipient of a SMPTE Outstanding Service Award for his service to the local Section and the Society.

Canada Region: Tony Meerakker

One Open Position

Tony Meerakker | Consultant, Meer Tech System

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Tony Meerakker has more than forty years of experience in technology, broadcasting, and post-production industries. He is the owner of Meer Tech Systems, which consults to Media, Broadcasting and Postproduction technology companies.  

In his career Tony has worked for Percy3D Media as VP Operations, Deluxe Post Production as VP of Post Production and for Magnetic North as General Manager.  In 2016 during Tony’s stay at Percy3D Media he was part of a four-person team that were recognized with a US Patent for the work on “The method of generating 3 dimensional user personalized media”.

Tony has been a SMPTE member since 1983. He has been continually active with the Toronto Section for many years in various Board capacities. He is currently serving as the Section Chair, third term. In 2021 Tony was awarded the prestigious ‘Citation for Outstanding Service to the Society’ award. This award recognizes individuals for dedicated service for the betterment of the Society. Tony is affiliated the Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television; the CSC (Canadian Society of Cinematographers) and HPA (Hollywood Post Alliance).  

Tony believes in the sharing of our knowledge by getting involved and mentoring those individuals’ seeking knowledge is a goal we should all be subscribing to, especially those who are newcomers to our industry. For me, the SMPTE organization is the vehicle that helps me to fulfill that goal.

USA - Eastern Region: David Long

One Open Position

David Long | Director & Associate Professor
MAGIC Spell Studios, Rochester Institute of Technology

Eastern_David Long

Hello SMPTE Friends, I am David Long, current Eastern Region Governor.  I have been an active SMPTE member since 1999.  I was first introduced to SMPTE through my role as an imaging systems engineer at Eastman Kodak.  In 2007, I joined the faculty at Rochester Institute of Technology and started our BS degree in Motion Picture Science.  I now am Director of MAGIC Spell Studios, a multidisciplinary research and teaching center across all forms of digital media at RIT.  While serving SMPTE, I’ve had the honor of contributing in numerous ways through the years, from Rochester Section Officer to RIT Student Chapter Advisor, Education Director, Board of Editors member, and contributor to SMPTE ATC and Future of Cinema Conference planning committees.  Currently, I serve as Education Co-chair for the SMPTE RIS for On-set Virtual Production.  I am also a proud SMPTE Fellow and even teach a course for SMPTE Education on imaging system fundamentals.
I’ve very much enjoyed serving in my current role as Eastern Region Governor for SMPTE, and I am excited to once again ask for your support for a continuation of my appointment.  My goals to better SMPTE have always centered around improving our educational offerings, expanding opportunities for the youngest members and student members in our ranks, and elevating the academic rigor of our publications and conferences.  As Governor, I feel I can continue to contribute in these areas.  Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to serving if re-elected.

Europe, Africa, Middle East, Central and South America Region: Dagmar Driesnack

One Open Position

Dagmar Driesnack | Solution Manager,
Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG


When I started to write my Diploma Thesis at the IRT (Institut für Rundfunktechnik) in Munich in 2005 I never imagined that I would stay there for more than 15 years. But I have met so many enthusiastic and supporting colleagues there. Later I have represented the IRT at various groups of the EBU (European Broadcasting Union) and finally also at SMPTE. I have joined and chaired several EBU groups (HD receiver specification, Video Systems Group, Beyond HD Group), presented the IRT on various conferences, trade shows and finally I had the chance to speak also at the SMPTE Annual Technical Conferences in 2018 and 2020. When the decision has been made to close the IRT I took the opportunity to change the view from the broadcaster and R&D perspective to the manufacturer side and I’ve joined Rohde & Schwarz in May 2021 where I am now working on projects with broadcasters.
The past years working with so many different people in Europe (at IRT, EBU and now R&S) helped me to get the overview what are the current topics the broadcasters are dealing with and what the future could bring to them in terms of changes in workflows, people’s skills and also the change of their mindsets. I would like to motivate young people to join and help the Society, share and bring together knowledge with all the different perspectives. I’ve worked a lot with young students and also experienced colleagues and this collaboration of different perspectives is my motivation – learning from each other.

USA - Hollywood Region: Kylee Peña

Two Open Positions

Kylee Peña | Product Marketing Manager, Professional Editorial


My name is Kylee Peña and I’d like to continue to be your Hollywood Region Governor. My experience in this role so far has been enlightening and empowering as I collaborate globally to represent Hollywood’s interests in the future of SMPTE. I will continue to raise future-facing technological issues and concerns around equity and inclusion in SMPTE to ensure the long term health and success of the organization. My 7+ years in roles throughout the organization – from ATC co-chair to Hollywood Section Manager – has helped me bring an important perspective to the Board of Governors. While participation on this Board has been the least visible role I’ve held in SMPTE, it’s undoubtedly the most important at this critical transitional period for the organization and the larger entertainment technology community. Currently, I’m interfacing with product teams, engineers, and customers in my role as Product Marketing Manager at Adobe. I recently completed a masters degree at USC focused on multidisciplinary problem-solving and design thinking. I’ve been honored to have the opportunity to utilize those professional skills to bring a fresh perspective to long term challenges to our industry. Ultimately, I seek to cultivate a highly engaged community of professionals helping each other create meaningful career paths in our industry, no matter what changes and challenges the future holds for us.

USA - Southern Region: Frank Torbert

One Open Position

Frank Torbert | 
Director of Technology, WKMG-TV
Graham Media Group

Frank Torbert-1

I have served as a Manager, Secretary/Treasurer, and Chairperson of the SMPTE Florida Section since it was reformed in 2015. Prior to that I served as a Manager for the SMPTE Florida/Caribbean Section.
I was very fortunate to start may career in this industry at a young age. The 45 plus years, I have had the opportunity to learn and do many different jobs including editing, directing, maintenance, remote production, facility design and finally managing the technical direction of a TV station. I have always been actively involved in promoting the industry through the various organizations that I have been a part of such as SMPTE, SBE, and MSTV and will continue to use the skills that I’ve learned to promote SMPTE.
The SMPTE Florida Section since it inception 9 years ago, has moved very quickly to grow and add members. I will use what we’ve learned to continue to promote SMPTE and to attract new members. The section also began a yearly symposium that in its first year attracted 200 attendees.
I believe that SMPTE must continue to promote itself through training and outreach to the student organizations and to that end have opened conversation with the University of Central Florida. Events such as symposiums, direct interaction with schools, and students is the only way to continue to attract and involve new members to grow and continue as a vital organization in our industry.

USA - Western Region: Cassidy Lee Phillips

One Open Position

Cassidy Lee Phillips
Lead Solutions Architect

Cassidy Philips

My name is Cassidy Phillips and I have over twenty years in media and entertainment, working in roles ranging from cable grip to master control and solutions architecture. I have proudly represented SMPTE as a Section Manager in Washington DC and as in numerous ST 2110 technical presentations over the past five years. Born and raised in Eugene, Oregon, and now living in Salem, Oregon, I have a vested interest in the success of the media industry in the Pacific Northwest. My goal is to invigorate student sections and new talents through constructive social events.