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The Citation for Outstanding Service to the Society Recipients

The Citation for Outstanding Service to the Society recognizes individuals for dedicated service to the Society over a sustained period of time. Particular emphasis is placed on service performed at the Section level.


2023 - David Edwin Acker

In recognition of his unwavering dedication to producing quality content for New England Section meetings. The issues related to SMPTE 2110M and the migration of SDI technologies to IP-based connectivity have been a complex subject for technical professionals in the Motion Imaging industry. Acker has contributed his expertise and significant effort and time to develop engaging and informative SMPTE Section meetings, which provided greater insight and understanding of the SDI-to-IP migration for all members of the New England Section, as well as the entire SMPTE community worldwide, through his ongoing standards activities. 


2023 - Charles R. Diehl

In recognition of his diligent efforts to enhance the programming and meeting quality for SMPTE Philadelphia. He has worked with his numerous contacts to find locations, encourage speakers, and establish funding for meals and drinks at every event. Diehl finds a way to work the room and interact with as many individuals as possible during SMPTE meetings, fostering contact between people.


2023 - Ian MacSpadden

For his tireless efforts in assisting students and Sections, particularly his work on the SMPTE Discord Server setup, which enabled another mission critical option to engage with student chapters. His volunteer team was able to help students learn more about SMPTE, connect with SMPTE leadership and communicate with other student members through this channel. Within a short time, more than 300 US and International students subscribed to and interacted on the Discord platform. MacSpadden continues to help students on Discord even after stepping down as SMPTE Membership Director. MacSpadden is an excellent example of how our volunteers make a difference in members’ lives, especially the youngerand soon-to-be professionals.



Jeff Cohen
In recognition of his tireless contribution of time and talent to SMPTE throughout the years. Cohen is a long-standing member of SMPTE and has held the positions of Chair and Secretary/Treasurer of the New York Section, as well as Governor for the New York Region. As Section Chair, he worked to promote diversity within both the membership and the leadership of the Section, encouraging new members to join the Board of Managers and forging relationships with other industry organizations. Cohen formed an alliance between the Section and Women in Media and laid the groundwork for similar partnerships with other industry groups, expanding the reach of the Society while fostering an inclusive atmosphere.

Daniel Despa
In recognition of his many years of dedicated service, leadership, positive attitude, and technical knowledge. Despa is invaluable to the Montreal/Quebec Section, especially in his sustained roles as Section webmaster, videographer, event organizer, and communications guru. For the past two decades, he has planned and produced the Section’s Annual Golf Tournament, its flagship event, bringing together over 100 media professionals for a day of fun and networking.

Peter Armstrong
In recognition of his innovative and enthusiastic contribution of his superior technical production, post-production, organizational and audio-visual skills in assisting both the Toronto Section and the SMPTE Home Office. Armstrong’s technical assistance to the Section has run the gamut from recording and streaming meetings to production of the Toronto Technical Conference. Armstrong has also been a tremendous asset to the Home Office as a technical producer and editor for both the 2021 SMPTE+ series and the Annual Technical Conference. In this capacity, he created video content, managed playout of all media over multiple days of the events and helped package the content for subsequent Video on Demand access, helping to broaden the reach of these educational materials to a more global audience.

Paul Broderick
In recognition of his many contributions to the Australia, New Zealand, and Southern Pacific Islands Section. Broderick has played a key role in the success of the Section’s biennial MET Expo conference and exhibition. As Section Chair, he has collaborated with the board to ensure that the Section’s membership has been consistently provided with valuable programming and industry engagement, as well as new offerings, such as the women’s industry breakfast and collaboration with other industry groups. Broderick has also taken the time to share his knowledge, insights, and passion with his successor to ensure continuity in the quality of Section leadership.


Tony Meerakker
In recognition of his leadership and tireless contributions to the Toronto Section. Meerakker oversees the monthly Section meetings, ensuring that they are professionally produced and of great value to the members. He is always looking for new ways to encourage and engage students. A perfectionist who never hesitates to lend a helping hand, he strives for continuous improvement while keeping the big picture in mind.

François Bourdua
In recognition of his outstanding service as the Secretary/Treasurer for the Montreal Section. Bourdua led the charge to formalize the Canadian operations and ensure taxation compliance. He has been involved in planning all of the local Section events and conferences and promoting the value of SMPTE on the local and Societal level with the membership chair. Bourdua does an outstanding job of advocating for the members of the Montreal Section and collaborating with his Section colleagues in Toronto. His dedication and financial stewardship set an example for all Sections and to the Society as a whole.

Daniel Guévin
In recognition of his outstanding service in his years as Chair of the Montreal Section. The Montreal Section has grown its membership and provided educational opportunities for its members under his leadership, including its yearly Bootcamp, which he helps plan and Emcees. He is committed to serving Section members and assisting the Section in developing young industry professionals by providing scholarships to local students. His dedication to the members, attention to detail, and willingness to innovate have benefited both the Section and SMPTE.


Bob Hudelson
In recognition of his long-standing dedication to SMPTE, the industry, and the local community. For the past 17 years, Hudelson has been active in the leadership of the Sacramento Section, serving as Chair, Past Chair, Manager, and Western Region Governor. Distinguished not only by his commitment to the Society but also his mentorship and education of others, he has worked with Section Managers and Chairs to ensure continuity and strength within the Section. His other contributions to the Section and local community include an initiative to record and stream Section meetings and to develop a number of internship programs for students, exposing them to the broadcast engineering industry and succeeding in launching many new careers.

Noel Sing Shun Leung
In recognition of his long-standing service to the Hong Kong Section since his involvement in its formation in 1994. One of the founders of the Hong Kong Section, Leung has been a SMPTE Member since joining as a student in 1973. Over the past 26 years, he has been an active Section Manager and Secretary, working on local events and securing funding for the Section. Leung has helped to expand the influence of the Society in the Asia-Pacific region through liaisons with other organizations and has nurtured the next generation, conducting training courses for the local workforce.


Andrew King
In recognition of his contributions to the SMPTE Australia Section, in particular, the biennial conference. Andrew has served as a Manager of the Australia Section since 2015. He participated in the production of the Section’s biennial conference, serving as program chair in 2017 and 2019, and facing the challenges of changing the venue and name of the conference. In 2019, he expanded the conference program to include master classes and workshops, and extended alliances with the Australian Cinematographers Society (ACS), Women in Film and Technology (WIFT), and the Studio, a start-up incubator for the media and gaming industry.

John Lock
In recognition of his contributions to the SMPTE Australia Section over the past five years. As a Section Manager, John has ensured a consistent slate of Section meetings covering a broad range of topics. His efforts resulted in increased attendance and membership growth. In addition to producing meetings, John also records the minutes of the Section Board meetings and manages the document archives of the Section. His proactive approach to Section management and reliability as a team-player epitomizes SMPTE Section leadership.

Allan Schollnick
In recognition of more than 30 years of service to the Hollywood Section, including multiple terms as Section Manager, Secretary/Treasurer, and Chair. A SMPTE Member since 1978, Allan has succeeded in producing events and raising sponsorships for the Hollywood Section, and has also been a SMPTE champion, promoting the Society to other organizations at industry events. Allan exemplifies SMPTE leadership -- never saying no, always volunteering, and sharing his expertise for the benefit of others.

John Wesley Shike
In recognition of his efforts to recruit and engage Student Members and young professionals. A former educator, John brings both knowledge and insight to this initiative. As SMPTE Membership Director for Educators and Educational Institutions, he has established connections and initiated outreach to several educational institutions, resulting in the formation of the DeAnza College Student Chapter. Building on this effort, John produced SMPTE’s first Media Forward event for students and young professionals on the West Coast at DeAnza College in 2019, with more than 100 students, educators, and industry professionals in attendance.

Rick Singer
In recognition of his contributions to the production and growth of the Washington, DC, Section’s “Bits By The Bay” conference. Rick’s involvement resulted in the growth of conference sponsorship and attendance over the past five years. His contributions to the conference program included assessing the media industry to define core themes and topics and producing engaging sessions by interweaving presentations to form evolving narratives. Rick also facilitated the recording and streaming of the conference, allowing all SMPTE Members to benefit from the experience. His dedication, professionalism, boundless energy, and enthusiasm make him an asset to SMPTE and the Washington, DC, Section.


Charles Reti
For his more than 20 years of contribution to the Detroit Section as a Manager, Membership Chair, Secretary/Treasurer, and more than a decade as Section Chair. He has worked to keep the Detroit Section active by developing monthly programs and providing enduring leadership.

Peter Stavrianos
For his decade of contributions to the Australia Section, especially the SMPTE Australia Conferences in 2013 and 2015. For the 2013 conference, Stavrianos was the chair of the Conference Papers Committee and produced a program with two tracks, 16 sessions, and 52 presentations over four days. He instituted changes to make the conference more accessible for attendees and engaged students in the conference production. He continued to support the Section by training others to continue in his footsteps.


Merrick Ackermans
For his contributions to and leadership of the Atlanta Section and the Southern Region. A long-time contributor to the Atlanta Section and four-term governor of the Southern Region, Ackermans has devoted much time and effort to producing quality Section events. His extensive involvement has included participation in everything from proposing engaging topics, securing speakers, and organizing facility and audio-visual logistics to contributing his knowledge as a speaker and facilitator.

Herbert Jay Dunmore
For his contributions as Member and manager of the Washington DC SMPTE Section and as the Student Chapter advisor of the Loyola University Maryland Chapter since its founding in 2012. Dunmore has continually promoted learning between the Student Chapter and the Section through hosting an annual meeting and seminars, exposing future professionals to the creative, business, and technical realms of television production.

John Walsh
For his dedication and service to the SMPTE Australia Section over the past decade. Walsh has served on the board of the SMPTE Australia Section since 2005, taking on the additional roles of membership chair and Section meeting lead. He has also been an active member of the organizing committee for the biennial SMPTE Australia Section conferences. Walsh is a dedicated Section member, always working behind the scenes to ensure the success of the Australia Section meetings.

David Wheeler
For his many contributions to the Australia Section, especially the SMPTE Australia Conferences. Wheeler was a member of the Conference Papers Committee for the SMPTE 2013 Australia Conference and served as chair of that committee for the 2015 event with 16 sessions and 52 presentations spanning four days.



Martin Feldman
For more than three decades of service to the New England Section, including sixteen years as Manager and Section Chair.  Over that time, he has produced over 100 Section meetings and workshops, establishing the Section as the premiere technical information resource for the New England motion imaging community.

Mark L. Forman
For his contributions to the New York Section over more than a decade, as Manager, meeting producer and photographer.  The dozens of meetings he has produced on image acquisition and display have been highlights of the Section’s calendar.  His images of the Section’s meetings and events have provided a rich visual record of its activities.

Keith Graham
For his instrumental work in revitalizing the San Francisco Section and rebuilding it into a contributing part of the Society.  Keith has served as Section Chair since 2010, when he reestablished the production of Section meetings, incorporating streaming to serve a wider audience and provide increased value to the membership.

Mona Smothers
For nearly a decade's leadership of and unwavering commitment to the Sacramento Section, where she has served as Manager, Secretary/Treasurer and Chair.  Her tenacity, drive, and enthusiasm have made the Section a healthy organization with a positive future.

Eric Wenocur
For his decade-long service as Manager and Program Chair of the Washington, DC Section.  Under his leadership, the Section has consistently provided high-value programs to the Section membership.



Charles R. Diehl
For his commitment to the educational and social success of the SMPTE New York Section. He has used his knowledge of our industry and the people in it for the benefit of the Section. While Diehl has produced many excellent technical programs, his most outstanding events have been the December holiday parties, which have grown to become the New York broadcast engineering community's social event of the year, with upward of 200 people in attendance. This success would not be possible without Diehl's organizing and fundraising skills.

Brian F. Kobylarz
For his commitment to success of the Connecticut Subsection since its establishment in 2011.  As the founding Chair of the Subsection, he has organized remarkable meetings that have drawn participants from all over New York and New England.  He has also been a major contributor to the New York Section’s work.  Through his dedicated service, his commitment to the goal of building the first SMPTE Subsection and his enthusiastic support of the Society’s guiding principles, Brian has shown a level of service to SMPTE that is worthy of recognition.

Dick Millais
For his devoted service to the Hollywood Section.  He is a pillar of the Hollywood Board of Managers, bringing an informed perspective and an abundance of knowledge to its work. Millais is dedicated to organizing, managing, and setting up Section meetings. His work with the Local Arrangements Committee and volunteers at the Annual Technical Conference has been exemplary, and his presence at the conference has been indispensable.   A SMPTE Member since 1969, he is a passionate supporter of Student Chapters, a dedicated team member and a strong resource for the Hollywood Section.

Herb Ohlandt
For his stewardship of the New York Section.  He has been the backbone of the Section, serving as Secretary Treasurer from 2008 to 2015 and standing in as Chair pro-tem many times during his tenure.  He has shepherded four changeovers in Chairs and Managers, providing quiet leadership for the Section's Board while supportively teaching new board members the ropes. Mr. Ohlandt is not just a recognized veteran engineer, but one who gives back to the community through the New York Section, where he has been a member since 1976.




John Beckhaus
For his dedication and service to the SMPTE Australia Section over the past decade.  Mr. Beckhaus has served on the Board of the SMPTE Australia Section since 2003, taking on the additional roles of Membership Chair, providing a contact point for queries from regional membership, and Minute Secretary, ensuring comprehensive reporting of both Section Board and Subcommittee meetings.  He has also served six terms as AV Chair for the biennial SMPTE Australia Section conferences, managing the complex requirements of conference presenters.  John is a dedicated Section member, always working behind-the-scenes to ensure the success of the Australia Section meetings.

Siegfried G. Heep
For his contributions to the Hollywood Section, as well as his instrumental role in the reinvention of the Society’s annual Honors and Awards Ceremony.  Mr. Heep has served as a role model for active involvement in SMPTE as both a Hollywood Section member and Manager.  In 2007, he was enlisted as the Technical Director for the newly reimagined Honors and Awards Ceremony, transforming the event from a small ceremony to the full-fledged, high quality, awards event that it has become.  Siegfried has reprised his role each year since, helping to improve the show in terms of technical production, quality, and prestige.

Federico Savina
For his leadership and support of the SMPTE Italian Section over the past 25 years. One of the original SMPTE Members who petitioned for the formation of the SMPTE Italy Section in 1989, Mr. Savina has been a long term contributor to the Section, serving the Board for ten years in the roles of Secretary/Treasurer and Manager.  Mr. Savina attends and contributes to all Section activities and was instrumental in bringing the 2013 SMPTE Regional Seminar to Rome.  A professor at Roma University, Federico strives to raise the bar in Digital Cinema education, and is working to provide his students with an introduction to the industry through participation in SMPTE.

T.J. Scott, Jr.
For his leadership and commitment to raising the standard of quality for Atlanta Section events.  His close alignment with developing trends and innovative technologies, as well as his substantial contacts in the industry, has led to a collection of well-executed, technically-inspired monthly meetings. Through his efforts, the Atlanta Section has seen growth in both its membership and meeting attendance.  His contributions to the production of the Section's 2007 "Video Over IP" Seminar in particular set the bar for excellence in special event programming. All subsequent special events have been sold out, reinforcing SMPTE's reputation for producing exceptional and inspired events.

Peter M Weitzel
For his instrumental role in re-establishing the UK Section of the SMPTE, and his leadership in driving the growth of the Section and the quality of programming provided to its members.  A driving force behind the UK Section, Peter’s enthusiasm, determination, and outreach, especially to students and universities, have contributed to the 200% increase in the Section’s membership during its first two years of operation.  His passion for the Society’s core mission and goals is ever-present, as he works to increase the visibility and impact of SMPTE at both a global and regional level.



Peter Collis
For his consistency and tenacity in the work he has done for the Australia Section. Peter has been a long-standing and diligently active member of the Section leadership team, providing consistently high levels of support to meeting events, including the biennial Australia Section Conference and Exhibition. He has shown absolute commitment to the SMPTE ideals, and is tireless in his promotion and support of the Australia Section, the Society and its work.

Tim Dwight
For his tireless efforts in organizing New York Section meetings. Tim has consistently made the effort not only to improve Section meeting, but also to ensure that meeting notices are distributed and meetings are publicized in advance of the events. He has also played a vital role in enlisting new members to the Section. Tim has been the consummate “doer” for the good and improvement of the New York Section.

Bruce Follmer
For his consistent support of the New York Section since 1977. As a Section Manager, Bruce has been involved in organizing and producing numerous Section events. He has attended meetings consistently and has contributed and initiated many ideas, which he has organized and implemented. Bruce’s contributions to the New York Section have far exceeded that of a typical Section officer.

Eric Gsell
For his dedicated service, positive attitude, technical knowledge and support of the Hollywood Section. Eric has been a consistent resource for many years in helping with Section meetings as well the SMPTE Annual Technical Conference. He has been an invaluable member of the Hollywood Section and a creative, hardworking contributor to the success of Section and Society events.

Oleg Nikolayevich Raev
For his invaluable work in the Russian Federation Section. Since 2009, Oleg has been instrumental in initiating and organizing annual 3D conferences, which have become the central events for 3D scientist and technicians in the Russian region. Oleg has played a major role in helping to support the continued success of members in the Russian Federation, as well as the motion picture industry.


Paul R. Beck
For his dedication and involvement in nearly every aspect of New England Section’s activities and missions since 1975. In his devotion to SMPTE and the New England Section, Paul has played a vital role in organizing Section events and ensuring that all activities run smoothly.

Michael Day
for his consistent support and dedication to the Australian Section. Michael’s dedication to the role of Secretary/Treasurer has been significant and diligent, managing a complex set of Section finances. He managed the transition of the Section’s finances from paper-based to fully electronic banking and developed reporting and tracking processes to ensure strong auditability. Michael has performed extensive and consistent duties on behalf of the Society and at a level that significantly exceeds expectations of a typical Section officer.

Ward Hansford
for his outstanding contributions to the Australian Section for the past 17 years. Ward has been an integral part of the team that produced the Australia Section’s SMPTE Conference and Exhibition since 1995. His input has led to many innovations and developments in the event format, which includes development and acceptance of a set of unified guidelines for exhibitors. For the time that he has been on the Board of the Australia Section, Ward has performed his duties above and beyond the level of normal expectations.

Dr. Franco Visintin
for his long-time dedication and support of the Italian Section. Franco has been, without a doubt, the most consistent grass roots supporter of the Italian Section since the beginning of activity in the Section. Franco not only lends his name and position to SMPTE, but he attends and contributes to each and every Section meeting, including Managers’ meetings, special events meeting, and more. He displays a willingness to do whatever is necessary to contribute to the success of every Section event.

Terence Wong
for his exceptional support and contributions to the Hong Kong Section. Terence has actively participated in every event of the Hong Kong Section for the past eight years. A champion for education, Terence was largely involved in establishing the first student chapter in Hong Kong. He consistently promotes SMPTE to the education sector and continues to play a vibrant role in promoting student membership.

David Horowitz

For his decade-long service to the SMPTE Philadelphia Section.  David has served multiple terms as Section Manager and has also served as Eastern Region Governor. David has shepherded many high-attendance Section meetings and has coordinated SMPTE involvement with local broadcasters during their DTV public outreach events.  He has also brought together local chapters of related technology organizations for joint meetings with SMPTE, allowing for the cross-pollination of ideas and the broadening of association awareness and contacts.   David's current efforts in the role of Section Membership Director have successfully increased the Philadelphia Section membership.


Richard Perin

For dedicated and lengthy service to the Society as the Atlanta Section Chair, Secretary-Treasurer, and five-time Manager. A SMPTE Member since 1982, Richard currently volunteers his services as the Section’s webmaster.

Michael Strein
For long-standing service to the New York Section and his continuing support for monthly meetings since 1989.  For the last twenty years Michael has guided the New York Section's programming by serving as Program Chair for television subjects, assisting in the production of Section meetings, and working to secure meeting facilities.

Peter Wharton
For consistent and dedicated service to the Society.  Peter has been an active Washington D.C. Section volunteer, working with the team to develop timely and technically compelling monthly programs.  For over a decade Peter has chaired several highly successful Section-run multi-day conferences, such as the popular Bootcamp seminars, assuming dedicated ownership of all aspects of the event from brainstorming, scheduling, venue selection and program development to speaker coordination.


Nicholas A. Di Lello

Nicholas A. Di Lello has been a member of the Society and the New York Section for 25 years.  His service to the Section includes multiple terms as Section Manager, Secretary/Treasurer, and Chair. He served as General Arrangements Chair for the 2007 Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition, and has also served on many other conference committees through the years.  In addition, Nick has been a Section meeting producer and a presenter on video technologies for the past 16 years.  His dedication and continuous service to the New York Section is truly outstanding.

Graham Jones
Graham Jones is a very active member of the Washington DC Section, who has tirelessly served as both Section Manager and Program Chair.  He has initiated, coordinated, and have been actively involved in the execution of the technically compelling monthly events, as well as the two-day HDTV Boot Camp event.  Through his efforts, he has successfully managed to maintain the Section’s membership and grow attendance at monthly meetings.  As Governor of the Eastern Region, Graham has earnestly represented the interests of the Washington DC Section on a larger scale, while still being active at Manager meetings and helping to host the monthly events. His proactive approach has helped the DC section grow in both scope and recognition.

W. Mark Ritchie
W. Mark Ritchie has been on the Toronto Board of Managers for almost 15 years, and has diligently performed the role of Membership Chair throughout this time, providing detailed analysis of Section membership statistics and trends.  Although he lives about 2 hours from Toronto, he has attended nearly every meeting during the time he has been on the Board.  In addition, he has been actively involved in the Technical Seminars presented by the Toronto Section, tirelessly manning and overseeing the registration desk throughout the events.  His long term commitment has been valuable to the Section Board, as he has often been able to bring the knowledge of past experience to the table.  Mark’s dedication to the Section has been absolute, as his attendance, diligence towards preparing his reports, and willingness to share advice and ideas have all clearly illustrated.

Patricia Keighley

Patricia has tirelessly served the Hollywood Section in many roles from helping with membership renewals, hosting and organizing Section meetings and events, to taking the lead in refining the Lou Wolf Scholarship event. She served as the general Arrangements Chair of the 2006 Annual Technical Conference & Expo in Hollywood.  A current Regional Governor on the SMPTE Board, a past two-term Section Chair and Secretary/Treasurer, Patricia is truly an outstanding asset to the Hollywood Section and deserving of this award.

Harold Miller
Hal has been a member of the Society since 1960 and has served in several positions including Section Chair, Secretary/Treasurer (current), Manager, Membership Chair and Test Materials Advisor. He assisted with participant registration for the 20th anniversary SMPTE Winter Conference held in Detroit. He has also arranged many local Section meetings and programs.  Mr. Miller has always made himself available to assist the Section every way possible and is worthy of this award.


Tze-Cheong Fung

Mr. Fung has been a member of SMPTE since 1976, and is the owner of several film and video production and post-production facilities in Hong Kong and Asia. He is active in promoting technology applications to the motion picture and television industry in Asia.  He has served as Hong Kong Section Manager since 2002 and has presented and hosted numerous SMPTE seminars throughout the region.  He has also served his section as the Hong Kong webmaster for SMPTE.  With this award, the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers recognizes Mr. Tze-Cheong Fung's many contributions to the Hong Kong Section.

Richard P. May
Mr. May has been a member of the Hollywood Section's management board for eight years, serving in the roles of manager, secretary/treasurer, and chair.  After completion of this service, he continued on the board, assisting with facility arrangements, frequently held at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' theater. Dick provides regular updates to the local section's website and monitors web traffic.  He attends nearly every section meeting, and is generous in volunteering his time and equipment to facilitate the meetings, often photographing the speakers for inclusion in the Journal.  Dick regularly assists in planning the section meetings, providing interesting and informative speakers and topics.  His connection to the industry, other technical organizations and section membership is remarkable.  With this award, the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers recognizes Mr. Richard P. May’s many contributions to the Hollywood Section

Ray Blumenthal

Blumenthal has been a SMPTE member for 21years, serving in escalating roles within the Society. Starting in the New York section he has served the section’s interests by actively recruiting new members, inspired new leadership within that section and tirelessly promotes SMPTE among our industry. Ray currently represents the New York region as a Governor and is a strong advocate for growing the sections.

Yat-Chiu Peter Chu
Chu has been a member for 9 years having served the SMPTE Hong Kong section as manager/workgroup for several years and presented a paper to representing the chapter titled: The New Era of TV Broadcasting in Hong Kong. Furthermore, he is the main contributor to the section’s last anniversary seminar in Nov 2005 where real time DTTB trial broadcasting using China DTTB standard had been done for the sole purpose of the SMPTE-HKG anniversary event demo. He is a loyal member of SMPTE-HKG group who treasures his loyalty, commitment, experience and connection in the TV broadcasting field.

James B. Schoedler
Schoedler has been a SMPTE member for 27 years and has served on the Rocky Mountain Board of Managers since arriving at his current position at Rocky Mtn. PBS several years ago. Since that time Jim has been instrumental in our section activities including organizing and hosting chapter meetings and our extremely successful series of All-Day Technical Seminars. He has provided facilities, equipment, and personnel to facilitate our activities. Jim is ever present to assist and take care of the details to keep the chapter running. He is a genuine asset to SMPTE national and our local Chapter.

Alan J. Masson

Masson has been active in the SMPTE since 1989 and is now a Fellow of the Society. He has served as Manager, Secretary/Treasurer and Chairman in two sections. He has also served as a regional Governor and has chaired and presented at several conferences. Mr. Masson’s participation at the local and national level is an inspiration to his peers.

Tony Tin-Ming
Ngai joined SMPTE as a student member in 1974, and went on to serve as Membership Chair and Chairman of the SMPTE Hong Kong section. Tony actively promotes SMPTE with organized technical seminars, technical conferences, technology delegation and engineering workshops, including several major High Definition workshops covering HD cinematography and post production. The success of the technical seminars and conference provided opportunities for film and television engineers to become familiar with new technology. The SMPTE would like to recognize Mr. Ngai for his continuing contributions to the Society.

William J. Weber
Weber receives the citation for his continuing support to the Philadelphia Section. Over the past years, during increasing scarcity of meeting sites, Mr. Weber has made the WHYY broadcast facility available for Section meetings, and has also conducted tours of the technical facilities. Mr. Weber’s friendly willingness to lend support of his service-oriented organization and his own talents are a decided asset to the Philadelphia Section and the Society as a whole.

James William Edwards, II

Edwards has been active in the Society for over two decades, holding numerous Local, Regional and National positions, such as Section Officer, Governor, and Director of Education. A major proponent in the continued growth of the Society, Jim strongly advocates the influx of new Managers and Officers, as well as the creation of Student Chapters. His tireless efforts and dedication have earned him the respect of all those with whom he has been involved.

Steven C Tadzynski
Tadzynski has been a dedicated member of the Society since 1980. He has served the Philadelphia Section as Chairman, Secretary-Treasurer, Manager, Program Coordinator, Webmaster and Publicist. His efforts and willingness to support the Section in myriad capacities continues to be an inspiration.

Bradley M. Fortner
Fortner has been a diligent and dedicated member of the Toronto Section for many years. He has served as Promotions Advisor since 1999, tirelessly promoting the Society and the local section. Brad has been very active in supporting Section activities. He has maintained the Section web site, secured meeting locations, and written reviews of Section meetings. Mr. Fortner is a valuable and respected member of SMPTE.

Raymond N. H. Lai
Lai has served the Hong Kong Section since 1999 as both Manager and Secretary/Treasurer. He has worked tirelessly to help organize seminars and forums for the Section, often doing much of the logistical work in securing venues and audio visual needs. Throughout his years of service, the Hong Kong Section has seen attendance at their Forums grow into the hundreds. Mr. Lai is a valuable member of the Society, who has helped expand interest and participation in his Section’s activities.

No Award Given

Gerald W. Brooks

Brooks, Training Manager, Rexel Australia Video Systems, is recognized for his sustained and committed performance to SMPTE and the Australian Section over an extended period of time. Under his chairmanship and throughout his many years as Manager, the Section has grown steadily, and the SMPTE presence in Australia has attracted wide industry support and has demonstrated value to its members.

Robert E. Lamm
Lamm, of Cync Corp., has been the driving and motivating force for the New England Section for almost two decades. Since his first involvement as a Section Manager, he has sought to maintain a constant relationship with his fellow members from the introduction of the New England Newsletter to the establishment of one of SMPTE's first websites. Lamm exemplifies the type of volunteer effort that makes the SMPTE work, excel, and survive.

David Leung
Leung, Supervisory Engineer, Hong Kong Cable TV Ltd., has worked tirelessly within the Hong Kong community in promoting and spearheading many initiatives that have helped maintain SMPTE's strong presence in that part of the world. Often, with limited resources, he has organized numerous technical meetings. He is a respected leader in his community.

Warren Singer
Singer, Managing Director, Video Technology Resources, in his 25 years of involvement in broadcast television, Inc., has played a major role in the introduction of leading-edge developments in his workplace; from triax cameras in the 70s to today's HDTV equipment. A longtime SMPTE member, Singer has been supportive of the Society as both a volunteer and elected officer. He is also a longstanding member of the NATAS technical achievement awards (Emmy) committee.

Walter Druker

For his exceptional dedication and contribution to the New York Section by documenting all the section meetings for the SMPTE Journal. His sustained presence at the meetings and his initiation of the "Page Two" component of the Section meeting notices have provided valuable and useful service to the New York Section membership and have contributed to maintaining a strong relationship between the Board of Managers and the members of the Section. Druker is currently an elected Manager of the NY Section and a SMPTE Fellow.

Kwok-Luen Lam
As an ardent promoter of SMPTE in the Hong Kong film and television community, Lam has initiated many activities that have given the Society a high profile through technical seminars, conferences, and discussion panels. Generously contributing his time and efforts to ensuring the vitality of the Section, he has been a respected leader of the Section, and a driving force in achieving its success. Currently, Lam is Controller of Broadcasting & Engineering for Hong Kong Cable TV Limited, and has recently been elected SMPTE Governor for the Asia Region.

Otto E. Mikkelä
During his active career as a recognized worldwide expert in colorimetry and digital television development, Mikkelä, has been the driving force behind many of the highly successful meetings in the Nordic Section for many years. He was a founding member of the Nordic Section in 1990. Even after retirement, he has continued on as a regular member of the Section Board of Managers and has held numerous positions. His strong social commitment and his efforts to establish sustained collaborations with other industry associations have made him a prominent and highly respected figure that has brought valuable recognition of SMPTE in his region. He was conferred the grade of Fellow in 1989 and recently became Life Fellow. Mikkelä is one of the Finnish Television pioneers and has worked in television for forty years before retiring in 1995.

Charles Pantuso
A SMPTE Fellow. Since 1975, Pantuso has been a driving force and a leader of SMPTE in his local community. Twice Chair and once Secretary/Treasurer of the Dallas-Fort Worth Section, he has presented many papers at local and national events and has been a strong figure in supporting SMPTE engineering and educational activities. He has maintained a sustained and dedicated presence in his local Section throughout his very demanding business and professional endeavors and is deserving of this recognition. Among his many accomplishments, Pantuso was one of three engineers responsible for the design and installation of CBS' Broadcast Centers in Moutiérs, France, Lillehammer, Norway, and Nagano, Japan, which were used for the network's coverage of the 1992, 1994 and 1998 Winter Olympic Games, and is a three time Emmy Award winner.

Clyde D. Smith
A dedicated and tireless contributor to SMPTE since 1987, Clyde Smith has been a prominent player in more than one SMPTE Section. Having held the position of Manager, Secretary-Treasurer, and Chairman in the Nashville, Florida-Caribbean, and Atlanta Sections, and becoming a Fellow, he has been a driving force in promoting SMPTE seminars and conferences in the southern region and elsewhere. His sustained efforts to encourage local members to participate in SMPTE activities have resulted in maintaining a strong SMPTE influence in the region he now represents on the Board of Governors.

Jay H. Ballard

For his outstanding support of the New York Section since 1974. Jay has held office as Section Manager, Section Chair and Regional Governor, and has played a key role in providing facilities and resources for many local activities. As a member of the Archival Papers and Historical Committee, his contributions include research on numerous historial equipment collections, finding additional collections, and recommending motion picture and television "pioneers" to be contacted and interviewed by the committee for archival purposes.

Leonard W. Eden
For his outstanding service to Detroit Section. He has contributed by serving as Manager, Secretary/Treasurer, and Chairman many times in the past 25 years. Nationally, he also served as Program Chairman for the 10th Winter Conference in 1976, as well as General Chairman for the 25th Annual Conference in 1991. Eden has also arranged monthly meetings and participated on many nominating and special committees of the Detroit Section.

Dixie L. Parman
Parman has been a tireless worker since 1967. Known as Miss Dixie in the Nashville Section, she has held the office of Manager and Secretary/Treasurer. Parman's dedication to the Section's continued success and sustained activity has been exemplary. She was behind the well-established annual tradition of the December meeting held at UMC, where she has contributed more than just facilities and support.

Mike Pietrowski
Pietrowski has been a tireless promoter of Student Chapters within the Society. He founded the first high school level Student Chapter in Mashpee, MA, and has worked very hard in raising the awareness of state school administrators to the potential of the Society as a reference for the educational community, concerning job opportunities in the motion imaging industry. Pietrowski is presently involved in the Student Chapter at Stonehill College and has put a lot of time and energy into supporting and encouraging students to become active in SMPTE by attending national conferences and local meetings.

Vincent T. Slavin

For his consistent, active contributions to the Rochester Section. For over 11 years, Slavin has organized the outstanding Film and Video Festival for New York State students for the Rochester Section. The efforts associated with this undertaking include much time and dedication: from initial communications with New York State colleges and universities at the beginning of the year to the finalists' screening at the Rochester Institute of Technology in the Fall.

Paul Beck

For his faithful and enthusiastic service to the New England Section for 24 years without interruption in every possible section office.
Herbert Farmer, for over 40 years of active participation in SMPTE and for his continuing support and initiation of SMPTE educational programs and Hollywood Section activities.

Rene Villeneuve
For his distinguished support to both the Montreal Section and the Society for 24 years. He has held a number of positions at the Section level, including Secretary/Treasurer and Chairman and was Canadian Governor for 1994-95. He took part in organizing the 1984 Television Conference in Montreal and participated in the mini-conference organized by the Toronto-Montreal/Quebec-Ottawa and Rochester Sections from 1978-1922.

Roy T. Brubaker

For his tireless efforts towards the Hollywood Section as Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer, and a member of the Board of Managers.

Edgar A. Schuller
For his many years of dedication and service to the New York Section including 5 two-year terms as manager, as well as holding the positions of Chair and Secretary-Treasurer. He has also been test materials advisor for the New York Section for the past nine years.

Walter J. Bebenek

For his consistent support to the Toronto Section. He also chaired the Fellows Luncheon at the 134th SMPTE Technical Conference.

John J. Cerquone
For the dedication and exceptional amount of enthusiasm, which led to the success of the Rochester Section, including chairmanship of the section and the special one-day tutorial "The Compression Experience."

Edwin J. Kennedy
Who went beyond the call of duty to serve the Washington, D.C., Section for many years. He served as Manager and Secretary/Treasurer and participated in all-day tutorials and seminars throughout the region, using his own technical resources when local means were unavailable.

Glen Pensinger

For over 18 years of service to the San Francisco Section and as the Local Arrangements Chair for the 1983, 1985, and 1995 Advanced Television and Electronic Imaging Conferences. Pensinger also served as Western Region Governor from 1985-1989 and 1993-1994.

Harvey L. Rogers

For his exceptional work on behalf of the Toronto Section, including his efforts in creating and producing the "Post Experience" Tutorial on five occasions, and for serving his section as Publicity Chairman for the Toronto MiniConference in 1994.

Angelo D'Alessio
Whose perseverance, dedication, and well-known positive attitude were responsible in great part for the founding and flourishing of the Italian Section, which grew rapidly in membership and number of meetings thanks to his efforts.

Herman (Hy) Badler

For his many years of efforts in both the New York and Washington Sections and his work as the spearhead for numerous all-day seminars in those sections.

Steve Cook
For his dedicated efforts in the Toronto Section from 1969 to present, and his work on the 1971, 1986, and 1990 Toronto/ Rochester/ Montreal/Ottawa Mini-Conferences.

Fung Fai Lam
for his years of work in the Toronto Section and at the 1984 Television Conference, the 1990 Mini-Conference, and as General Arrangements Chairman of the 134th Technical Conference.

Peter D. Symes

In recognition of his efforts in bringing about the formation of the Sacramento Section of the SMPTE and for his active participation in the Society over many years.

James R. Davidson
In recognition of his efforts to organize and establish the Houston Section of the SMPTE and for his long-term support of SMPTE activities.

Milton R. Shefter
In recognition of his significant contributions to the Hollywood Section over a prolonged period of time and for his active participation in the arrangements for SMPTE national conferences.

Rolf Hengstler

In recognition of his efforts in bringing together members in East and West Germany to form an SMPTE German Section.

Vladimir G. Makoveev, Eleonora L. Vinogradova, and Vladimir V. Yegorov
In recognition of their long-term efforts resulting in the formation of the SMPTE Soviet Union Section in October 1990.

John P. Rusche
In recognition of his long-term service to the Detroit Section and his continuing leadership on a national, local, and regional level.

Derek J. Wilson
In recognition of his long-term service to the Society and for his encouragement to members throughout Australia to form regional SMPTE Sections.

Edward J. Burns

Who has given many years of dedicated service to the Society at the local level. At numerous national conferences in New York and Hollywood, he has served as Chairman of many committees, including Program Chairman and General Arrangements Chairman.

Peter Hammar
Who has provided significant contributions to the San Francisco Section over many years. While Section Chairman, he created "Page Two" of the monthly meeting notice to provide effective communication within the section. He also pioneered telecasts of regular monthly meetings via satellite and cable television.

Charles J. Lipow
Who through his knowledge and experience in public relations through the press, has added new insights to the Society and its members at both a local and national level on how we can relate to the world we serve.

Austin L. Reeve
Who has a long history of dedicated service to the Ottawa Section. He served as Program Chairman for the Ottawa Mini-Conferences in 1985 and 1989.

Gerald R. Finn

Who has served as Faculty Adviser at the most active SMPTE student chapter at Pasadena City College since it was founded in 1981. He has been active at SMPTE conferences as a member of the Membership Committee and chairman of the Hospitality and Arrangements Committee. He has been responsible for creating the important link between the student chapter and the local section.

John C. Gates
Who has distinguished himself as an outstanding member of the New England Section. He is responsible for developing the now yearly "Half-Day Seminar/Workshop." Additionally, John has spearheaded the New England outreach concept, using a six-state terrestrial microwave network to transmit monthly meetings to the widespread membership of the New England Section.

David L. George
In recognition of his dedicated service to the Toronto Section as, and especially for his initiative in the conception and execution of the annual Toronto satellite meeting enabling SMPTE members across Canada to participate in the Toronto Section activities.

Robert J. Ringer
Has been one of the most active members in the Hollywood Section in the area of education. Over the past years, the Hollywood Educational Committee has put on successful seminars with UCLA, USC, Pasadena City College, and California State University.

Gordon W. Ballantyne

In recognition of his conscientious service and dedication to the Toronto Section, and for his dedication in assuring the success of every regional mini-conference held in Toronto

Charles H. Jablonski
In recognition of his many activities with the Society on the national level. He was active in organizing the 128th National Conference in New York as well as the 130th Conference.

Richard I. King
In recognition of his active membership in the New York Section since 1958.

C. Robert Paulson
In recognition of his unfailing technical advice, support, and guidance for the New England Section. He arranged a six-state New England telemeeting via terrestrial microwave to several PBS outlets, in addition to a national teleconference of a New England Section meeting transmitted via satellite to all of North America.

Donald C. McCroskey

In recognition of his many years of service to the Hollywood Section and as a member of the Board of Governors Secretary/Treasurer, Section Chairman, and Chairman of the Educational Committee.
John P. Pytlak
For his outstanding service to the Rochester Section. He served the Society in six mini-conferences, and as Session Co-Chairman on Projection Technology for the 128th Technical Conference.

Norman A. Thelen
For his long history of service to the Chicago Section.

Howard E Wilkinson
For his many years of active participation in Toronto Section activities. A strong supporter of the annual Mini-Conference of the Montreal/Quebec, Ottawa, Rochester, and Toronto Sections, he served as Chairman of the 123rd Technical Conference, Adviser to the 128th, and as Session Chairman on several occasions.

Vernon L. Kipping

For giving untiringly of his time and efforts in the SMPTE San Francisco Section.

John Barry

For his involvement in organizing the first SMPTE conference in Australia.

Richard L. Cornell
In recognition of ten continuous years of service to the Chicago Section All-Day Seminars.

John F. Donovan
For initiating, planning, and successfully implementing the first SMPTE International Conference in Australia.

Yvon Jean
For serving at the 1979 and 1982 Montreal Special Meetings and the 1984 Television Conference, and for his accomplishments in the Montreal Section as Manager-at-Large.

Thomas J. McCormick
In recognition of his time and effort rebuilding and maintaining a special 35mm photographic sound printer which produces sound test films for the Society.

Ivan Barclay

For his services as Chairman of the organizing committee to form the Ottawa Section.

Grant Dearnaley
For his services at the 18th Television Conference; the 25th SMPTE Canadian Anniversary Mini-Conference; and for service to the Montreal/Quebec Section.

Ted H. Horn
For his services in the first and second Detroit Television Meetings. the predecessors of the present Television Conferences, and as Facilities and Projection Chairman of the 10th Television Conference.

Charles D. Kircher
For 15 years of service to the Hollywood Section, as General Arrangements Chairman for the 125th Conference, and as a member of the Educational and One-Day Seminars in Hollywood.

Robert B. Desrosiers

For his significant contributions to the membership of the Montreal/Quebec Section.

W. Russell McCown
For his continued activities on behalf of the Nashville Section.

Richard B. Glickman
For his active participation in the historical and educational programs of the Hollywood Section for the past ten years.

Paul F. Brown

For his outstanding service to the Dallas/Fort Worth Section as Manager, Secretary, and Chairman.

John W. Caluger
For outstanding service in planning and organizing the 1982 Television Conference in Nashville.

Frederick R. Nobbs
For outstanding service to the Philadelphia Section.

Arthur E. Florack

For his continued efforts in support of the Ohio Section activities. He has also been instrumental in starting and supporting the formation of a student chapter at Ohio University.

Alvin J. Siegler
For his outstanding service to the New York Section; and his continual involvement on the national level as a Governor, Conference Program Chairman-at-Large, and his involvement at New York National Conferences.

William R. Ahern

For long-term involvement in the New York Section.

Eugene R. Myler
For his continued active participation in the Atlanta Section, as well the 1968 and 1978 Winter TV Conferences.

Paul Yang
For his efforts and success in enlarging the SMPTE membership in Southeast Asia. Mr. Yang was also instrumental in arranging two exchange visits for officers of the Society, one to the People's Republic of China and the second to Southeast Asian countries.

Douglas V. Dove

A founding member of the Australian Section as well as the moving force behind the combined ASC/SMPTE Moving Image Seminar in Canberra.

Irving Rosenberg
For his involvement in the local Section as well as with the National Conferences held in New York.

Joseph A. Semmelmayer
For contribution of his time and energies to the San Francisco Section, as well as his organization, planning and implementation of the Television Conferences held in San Francisco.

William E. Youngs
For his involvement in the Washington, D.C., Section over many years, as well as his participation in National Conferences when held in Washington, D.C.

John Corso, Jr.

For his many contributions over the years to the San Francisco Section.

Frederick M. Remley
For his involvement in all phases of the SMPTE: engineering activities, television and national conferences, editorial, Board of Governors and the Detroit Section.

Paul F. Wittlig
For his involvement in New York Conference programming for many years as well as his active participation in the New York Section.

Kurt Wulliman
For his overall assistance to the New York Section and his involvement in all phases of the New York Conference.

Edward J. Blasko

For his many contributions to the work of the Hollywood, Pacific Northwest, Rochester, and Chicago Sections, and particularly his assistance with the Rochester/Toronto Mini-Conference and seminars in Chicago and the Pacific Northwest.

Mathias J. Herman
For his many services to the Chicago Section and the National Conferences in Chicago.

Julian D. Hopkinson
For outstanding service at National Conferences, as member of the Board of Editors, and in the performance of several important committee assignments.

Andrew Kufluk
For outstanding service to the Toronto Section.

Burton Stone
For long service to the New York Section and numerous contributions to the National Conferences held in New York.

Frank J. Eberhardt

For his long-term efforts in promoting and maintaining the activities of the Florida-Caribbean Section.

Maurice L. French
For his outstanding services and contributions to the Toronto/Rochester Little Conventions, the Toronto Section, and the 116th Conference, Toronto.

Donald V. Kloepfel
For his efficient performance of the projection services for national conferences and section activities on the West Coast over a period of many years.

M. Warren Strang
For his remarkable performance as Exhibit Chairman for national conferences in Los Angeles over a period of more than ten years.

John R. Sullivan
For his many services to the Hollywood Section and particularly for his initiation and development of recognition and service plaques for Section use and for Society officers and governors.

Harry Teitelbaum

In recognition of his remarkable record of accomplishment in the office of Conference Vice-President.

C. Carol Adams

In recognition of his outstanding service to the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers.