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Early Registration for the 2024 Media Technology Summit Is Now Open

The Student Paper Award Submission

Student Resources List of Past Recipients

Goals and Objectives

It is the purpose of this award to recognize the outstanding paper prepared and submitted by a Student Member. The paper receiving the Student Paper Award will be published in the SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal, giving recognition to the author and the institution at which the work was done. The Award winner will also  be recognized at the Annual Awards Gala.

There is no required technical level for the papers. Possible topics include ultra-high definition (UHD); color and dynamic range management; the future of media distribution; media infrastructure; workflow management; cloud and virtualized media processing; image acquisition and processing; content management, storage, restoration, and preservation; cinema processing and projection technology; human perception of images or sound; quality and monitoring of images and sound; compression; security; audio techniques; advances in display technologies; virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR), as well as 360° video; machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) in content creation.

Application Requirements

  1. Applicants must be current SMPTE Student Members. Student Membership is available for $15 per year.  Applicants may also apply to receive a complimentary first year of membership through the SMPTE Student Membership Challenge.

    Join Today for Free!

  2. The paper must deal with some technical phase of motion pictures, television, photographic instrumentation, or their closely allied arts and sciences. To aid the Student Member as to whether the subject matter and significance of the paper might be acceptable for review by the SMPTE Journal Award Committee, the nearest Local Section Chair of the Society and/or the Faculty Adviser (if the Student is a member of a Student Chapter) should be consulted. A listing of Local Section Chairs can be found here.

The style and format shall be similar to that for papers published in the SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal. Papers should be 3,000 – 5,000 words in length. View the author guidelines here

Papers will be evaluated on:

  • Technical merit
  • Originality
  • Presentation

These criteria will be used to evaluate the author’s understanding of the subject, contribution to the information or literature, and ability to organize and present material clearly.

Application Procedure

All submitted papers must have the following information on the title page:

  1. Title of paper
  2. Applicant’s name
  3. Applicant’s address, phone number, and email Address
  4. Name of school
  5. Faculty member’s or academic adviser’s name and signature

All submissions must be accompanied by a copy of a current Student ID card.

Submit Your Paper

When you click the link above you will be asked to create an account in our Paper Submission System.  Please note that this is NOT the same as your SMPTE.org account. 

Under "Manuscript Source" on the submission form, select "Student Papers." In the "Issue Month" field, select "General Submission."

Examples of previous award-winning student papers may be found here.

Application Deadline

The deadline for submissions to be considered for the 2024 Award is 1 May 2024.


Questions may be directed to Lisa Kehrle