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Happy New Year!

December 2019 - Sacramento Section Meeting

December 2019 - Sacramento Section Meeting


Event Details: 

Date:                         Wednesday, December 11, 2019                     RSVP’s Required

Time:                         6:00 pm - 9:30pm

Location:                  Grass Valley – 125 Crown Point Ct. Grass Valley, CA 95945

Contact:                       Gil Mazzi 530-277-5801

                                    Remington Maxwell 530-913-7707   

“Grass Valley Group - 60th Anniversary - Reliving the Golden Years”

The focus of this meeting is to appreciate and reminisce about the history of Grass Valley, its broadcast products and the resulting formation of many spin-off companies.

Our distinguished panelists will discuss stories about the GVG early days, Doc Hare anecdotes, the Bitney Springs and Nevada City sites, product inventions, successful products and some not-so-glorious ones, international sales challenges, spin-offs (Graham-Patten, Immix, Sierra Video Systems, NVISION, AJA Video, Ensemble Designs, Telestream, Renegade Labs, Light House Digital and more).

Panel Moderator:                    Gil Mazzi

Panel Guests:                            Bill Rorden, Bruce Rayner,  Pete Challinger , Sally Price and Neil Olmstead

Grass Valley Museum:                  Grass Valley will be displaying historic equipment and pictures in the Museum.

Meeting agenda:                             6:00-7:15pm       Social time-Pizza, tour of the museum

7:15-7:25pm       Jason Howard-A short presentation of the Technically Improbable project.

7:25-7:40pm       Slide show hosted by Ken Royer and an AV interview of Dr. Hare

7:45-9:00pm       Panel discussion

9:00-9:30pm       Social time, tour of the museum

There will be many current and ex-GVG employees in attendance. The evening promises to be a fun social event that will include pizza and beverages provided by Grass Valley a Belden Brand.

Please RSVP to msmothers@ewingfoley.com by Dec 9.

Non-members and guests are always welcome to attend.

For questions about this meeting, please contact any Section officer. SMPTE annual memberships are available on-line (https://www.smpte.org/join) and start at $75 for an individual and $15 for students.

We look forward to seeing you!