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March 2019 - Sacramento Section Meeting

March 2019 - Sacramento Section Meeting


Event Details: 

Date:                     Wednesday, March 13, 2019                        RSVP’s Required

Time:                     Food/Drink/Social:           6:00 pm

                             Meeting Start Time:         6:30 pm

Location:              Belden, Grass Valley

                             125 Crown Point Ct.

                             Grass Valley, CA 95945

Contact:               Bill Bowen 530-559-4118

                             Remington Maxwell  530-913-7707

Speaker:              Jeff Yurek, Director of Marketing, Nanosys Inc.

Introduction to Quantum Dots for Displays

If you followed the tech news coming out of Las Vegas this January, there's a good chance you've heard the term "Quantum Dot." Top TV brands from Samsung to TCL to Vizio all launched new sets for 2019 touting the color and brightness advantages of Quantum Dots.

What's the buzz all about? Is Quantum Dot just another marketing slogan or a true revolution in image quality?

This talk will provide an introduction to Quantum Dot technology for displays with a look at how it works including hands-on demonstrations of the latest Quantum Dot materials and components. We'll also discuss the next phase of Quantum Dot technology development. Including future display applications such as Quantum Dot on OLED, integrations with microLEDs and direct emissive QD-LED technologies.

About the Speaker:

Jeff Yurek is the Director of Marketing, Nanosys, Inc. Jeff is a creative professional-turned-marketer passionate about storytelling and technology.

 As Nanosys' Director of Marketing, he is responsible for educating brands, consumers and the creative community about the colorful benefits of Quantum Dot technology. He dreams of one day ending the scourge of NTSC 1953 color gamut in display marketing.

 When he isn't working, you'll find Jeff cycling around Northern California, playing guitar or hanging out at the beach with his family.

 Jeff has a B.S. degree from the Berklee College of Music and an MBA from Suffolk University’s Sawyer School of Management.

Pizza (or similar) and beverages will be provided by Grass Valley. Please RSVP to msmothers@ewingfoley.com by Friday, March 8, 2019.

Non-members and guests are welcome to attend. SMPTE annual memberships are available on-line (https://www.smpte.org/join) and start at $75 for an individual and $15 for students. 

For questions about this meeting, please contact any Section officer.

We hope to see you there.