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Happy New Year!

Pittsburgh Section November Meeting

New Trends in Remote Production

Pittsburgh Section November Meeting

New Trends in Remote Production



A presentation on the changing nature of the television industry in mobile production. Changes include: more centralized production free-lance labor impactJ improved availability of top talentJ centralized equipment systems and more ...

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Dan Turk, VP and Chief Engineer, NEP Group

Dan Turk is VP and chief engineer of NEP’s U.S. Broadcast Services division. Before starting his professional career at NEP, Turk was a part of NEP’s industry-leading apprenticeship program. Prior to his work as an apprentice, he lived in Daytona Beach where he had worked full-time for MRN Radio on implementing screens at all Winston Cup Races.

Turk has had the opportunity to work on significant projects throughout his career. Working alongside Joe Signorino, VP of systems integration at NEP, he built the first 3D truck, making it a large science project that changed every week. In addition, the two built an ESPN 3D truck.

Turk graduated with a B.S. in business and communications from Elon University and is a member of the SMPTE Pittsburgh Section, where he is a Manager.

Open to all SMPTE Members and guests!

Questions or Comments? Please email SMPTEPittsburgh@gmail.com