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SMPTE and AIS present Entertainment Technology 2019

SMPTE and AIS present Entertainment Technology 2019


Event Details: 


     SMPTE and The Advanced Imaging Society present

     Entertainment Technology by the Bay

       June 5 and 6, 2019

          Marriott Hotel

          Santa Clara, California

The Art and Science of Next Generation Storytelling -

The theme of this joint SMPTE and AIS conference is to examine and understand the impact of technology on the art of storytelling with the web as a key focus. 

The expansion of connectivity, bandwidth, and service options continue to  redefine entertainment distribution to the living room, mobile, and beyond. Broadband, Wi-Fi, and Mobile networks have leapfrogged traditional distribution mechanisms, because of the rapid pace of innovation and performance improvements, flexibility of consumer options, and the ability to upgrade with a software download. Disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence and volumetric video will revolutionize how, and by whom, stories get told.  

This year's conference is supported by Cisco, HP and Dell in Silicon Valley, California on June 5 and  6, 2019. Join and learn from the technical and creative experts who are developing, driving, and deploying the next generation of storytelling. A must-attend for engineers, creatives, researchers, and management engaged in the future of the technology of storytelling.

Registration is now open here: https://smpte-ais-et19.eventbrite.com

Program details below