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SMPTE Atlanta June Section Meeting

Cybersecurity - how do we handle and move all the data we are now creating, and keep it safe from attack. 

SMPTE Atlanta June Section Meeting

Cybersecurity - how do we handle and move all the data we are now creating, and keep it safe from attack. 


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Help us stamp out procrastination.

If you are planning to attend our next meeting on June 13th please do not wait until the last minute to register - do it now.

Our topic is very timely - how do we handle and move all the data we are now creating, and keep it safe from attack. 


We will have 2 presenters for this meeting:

  • Dale Jordan, VP of Operations of MaxDefense will talk about how you can secure your systems and protect against attacks.
  • Richard Andes of Telestream will talk about how you can use AWS to help store and move the massive amount of information needed for large hubs.

We will also be able to take a tour of the DataPath facility.  DataPath manufacturers some very interesting satellite systems for uplinking and downlinking.


Jack Linder

Atlanta Section Chair


Thank you to our sponsors:

DataPath CMYK_No Tagline_TMMaxDefenseTelestream_Logo_2014