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SMPTE New England March Section Meeting

An Overview of the NEXTGEN TV ATSC-3 Standard with a Progress Report on the US Market Rollout

SMPTE New England March Section Meeting

An Overview of the NEXTGEN TV ATSC-3 Standard with a Progress Report on the US Market Rollout


Despite the impact of the pandemic, television receiver sales and home viewing are up.

With that backdrop, the NextGen TV market rollout is moving ahead in earnest with enthusiastic broadcast participation providing great strides in the coverage of US television households. This presentation will try to provide a quick overview of the standard’s transmission technology as well as how the transition is being accomplished.

NextGen TV is an enormous opportunity for television broadcasters, that can provide unique challenges to equipment and receiver manufacturers, content programmers, distribution partners as well as station owners.

This presentation will describe the technology and business forces driving those challenges and strategies as guidance in navigating and benefiting from this enormous opportunity.

Presenter: DAVE FOLSOM

DaveFolsomPortraitCropDavid Folsom is the retired Chief Technology Officer of Raycom Media Inc (now part of Gray Television). While consulting for Pearl TV and he was responsible for the management and engineering of the Phoenix NextGen TV Model Market Station Project as well as other Pearl TV and Pearl TV Network Consortia projects. He is also the author of the Phoenix Project NextGen TV Host Station Manual as well as the Pearl webinar series about NextGen TV. His focus throughout the development and rollout of NextGen TV is in advancing NextGen TV through operational and technical education.

Dave has been in broadcast and engineering management for well over forty years. His television-engineering career has spanned from commercial design of broadcast equipment and components to traditional broadcast engineering management in commercial, as well as 

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public television.

He is the recipient of the 2021 NAB Television Engineering Achievement Award as well as the holder of 

two television equipment design patents. He has served on multiple industry standards committees and is a Navy Vietnam veteran as well as a licensed private pilot. Dave resides presentlyin Montgomery, Alabama with his wife of over 50 years, Kathleen.

Special thanks to Cheryl Lustenberger of WGBH and our own New England Section of SMPTE for her assistance of preparing this SMPTE Section Meeting. Special thanks as well to Dave Folsom and the entire
Pearl TV Team for arranging for this technical presentation.
SMPTE meetings are open to members and non-members. Please invite your professional colleagues.
Martin P. Feldman, Chair, SMPTE New England Section