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Happy New Year!

SMPTE Sacramento Section Meeting

For our SMPTE gathering this month, we are offering you a tour of the “Denali Gold", a 53’ NEP broadcast production truck that is home of Veteran’s TV.

SMPTE Sacramento Section Meeting

For our SMPTE gathering this month, we are offering you a tour of the “Denali Gold", a 53’ NEP broadcast production truck that is home of Veteran’s TV.


For our SMPTE gathering this month, we are offering you a tour of the

“Denali Gold", a 53’ NEP broadcast production truck that is home of Veteran’s TV.

What is VETV? It’s a non-profit organization, started and staffed by long-time members of the TV industry. Founded in 2018, VETV offers returning Veterans an opportunity to learn a new skill set that will help them re-enter the civilian workforce in the exciting broadcast industry.


About our host:

Bob Lefcovich started working in TV in 1966. From TV Stations to Mobile Trucks and Production facilities, to editing scores of Network shows, including episodes of ‘All in the Family’, ‘The Jeffersons’, and ‘One Day at a Time’. Bob then went to Venezuela helping build and run the country's first Color TV Production facility, VideoMovil. Bob was the Senior Editor and Edit Supervisor at MTI NY in 1985. From there, he accepted the position of Senior Applications Specialist for Edit Systems with Grass Valley Group. While at GVG, Bob spent eleven years training hundreds of editors in 49 states and 20 countries, as well as designing the feature sets for Super Edit, the VPE Editor, and the Infamous “Saber Edit’. In 1996 Bob co-founded Editware, where they designed the first ever series of Hybrid Edit Controllers: Fastrack, DiVA and eClips. During the last 32 years, Bob worked as Edit Trainer and Tech Support for five Olympic Games, as well as being a consultant and trainer for POST (Peace Officers Standards & Training) for the State of CA. Bob ‘semi-retired’ in 2018 and now spends all his energies on Veterans-TV. See the attached for additional information on VETV.