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SMPTE UK December Section Meeting

SMPTE UK celebrates... Young Innovators and Emerging Talent

SMPTE UK December Section Meeting

SMPTE UK celebrates... Young Innovators and Emerging Talent


This event was a huge success in December 2021, and we're thrilled to be invited back once again to the Sky Central Cinema at its Osterley campus. Join us as we celebrate the achievements of young innovators and emerging talent, and encourage them onwards in their careers. There will also be plenty of opportunity to make contact with those who are key to developing and attracting that talent at an academic level.

Open to existing professionals and students alike, this event will be a great opportunity to spot who’s new to our sector and to get an understanding of the pathways and experiences of those who are currently entering our disciplines for the first time.

We’ll hear from a selection of recent entrants into the industry, who will deliver a series of lightening talks on their areas of knowledge, followed by a fire-side chat - led by Emily Bergun.

Attendance is free of charge. There will be ample refreshments courtesy of our hosts, Sky.