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SMPTE United Kingdom

Media Technology Conference 2022

SMPTE United Kingdom

Media Technology Conference 2022


In-person and unashamedly technical, this landmark event will bring together leading industry technologists to present and debate topics affecting the whole industry at the present time. Guaranteed to be opinionated and challenging, discussion will run through the entire event. Audience participation will be encouraged.
The conference will feature two tracks
, one focused on Creative Technology, including Virtual Production; Cloud Technology for Production and Post, and Next-Generation Studio Pipeline. The second track will look at Technology Infrastructure, tackling thorny questions such as whether a Standards-based approach or a Proprietary one is best for practical IP studio builds; whether to choose Public Cloud or Private Virtual Infrastructure; and what use is 5G really for broadcasters?

The SMPTE UK Media Technology Conference is the latest event to be created and curated by the Broadcast Tech & Sport Group. The Group produces a wide range of conferences including the annual Broadcast TechFest; Broadcast Sport Innovation Forum; Broadcast Sport Content Summit; and the Broadcast Sport Leaders’ Summit, as well as industry-leading awards, the Broadcast Tech Innovation Awards and Broadcast Sport Awards.