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Happy New Year!

Standards and a Movie at Dolby

Standards and a Movie at Dolby


Event Details: 

This is one you won't want to miss!

Join the SMPTE Engineering Standards team at Dolby Labs' new facility on Market Street for a brief update on standards activity, followed by a movie presentation in Dolby's state of the art Dolby Vision and Atmos equipped theatre.

Bruce Devlin, SMPTE's Standards VP, will give us a brief overview of the current state of play in the various standards sub-committees. 

This will be followed by a screening of Bohemian Rhapsody, presented in HDR on the Dolby Vision projectors, and featuring full Atmos sound.

Refreshments and social hour will be from 5:30 - 6:30. 

THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO SMPTE MEMBERS ONLY. Please be prepared to verify your membership status at the door.


Bruce has served as both the EMEA, Central and South America Region Governor and the UK Region Governor of SMPTE. Working with the UK Region to deliver a huge program of quality meetings, it has become clear to him that SMPTE is primarily a membership organization whose standards activities act as a technical compass for the direction of the media industry. As Standards Vice President and participant in the recently announced SMPTE–DPP B-IMF work, Bruce hopes to show that SMPTE is not just a home for that work, it is THE home for that work.

Refreshments will be provided.

Register at: https://smptedecember2018.eventbrite.com

Eventbrite password is Dolbymovie2018