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Happy New Year!

Toronto News, Broadcasting, Production and COVID

This month’s meeting will review how various disciplines within a broadcast facility and studio have had to adapt to the realities of the restrictions faced by the changing COVID regulations. Technologies once thought to be firmly entrenched onsite had to go remote. How was that made possible?

Toronto News, Broadcasting, Production and COVID

This month’s meeting will review how various disciplines within a broadcast facility and studio have had to adapt to the realities of the restrictions faced by the changing COVID regulations. Technologies once thought to be firmly entrenched onsite had to go remote. How was that made possible?


Gerry Belec, National Director, Operations & Technology - Global News
Canadians love news. When the pandemic hit, newsgathering, reporting and the delivery of content had to quickly pivot. Gerry will take us into the world of plexi-glassed control rooms, mask-wearing staff and PPE’d reporters. He will share how working from home accessing operations systems such as intercom and monitoring via the network was possible.

Ross Maudsley, Head of Production Operations - Nelvana Animation
Vils M. DiSanto, Senior Manager, Post Production - Studio (Corus)
Ross will discuss the steps involved in relocating a live animation studio and technical pipeline to a work from home environment in just six weeks! He will cover the challenges and lessons learned associated with 2D and 3D longform animation.
Vils will share views on pre and post production through an animation lens, including voice records from home.

Eric Shen, Director, Broadcast Engineering - Master Control Technology (Corus)
As the pandemic arrived, the direction from executives was to set up staff to work from home. Eric will guide us through the transformation of Conventional and Specialty master control, ingest workflows and technologies that enabled operators to work from home. He will share how Corus Engineering dealt with the challenges of remote access and how staff had to adapt to keep channels on-air.

All attendees must register using the link below. Upon registration a confirmation email will include the Go-To-Webinar link.