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SMPTE Advisory Note for ST 2110-40:2023

(Professional Media Over Managed IP Networks: SMPTE ST 291-1 Ancillary Data)

The most recently published version of SMPTE ST 2110-40:2023 with the approval date of 2022‑06‑24 contains typographical errors in the dates of certain normative references pointing at non-existent documents. These typos are being corrected in a forthcoming revision.  


In the meantime, implementers should be aware that in section 7 ‘Session Description Protocol (SDP)’ a requirement for signaling Format Specific Parameter SSN of value ST2110-40:2021 is instead intended to signal value ST2110-40:2023.  


Also in section 7, the requirement to signal Format Specific Parameter exactframerate “as defined in SMPTE ST 2110-20:2021 section 7.2” is intended to reference SMPTE ST 2110-20:2022 section 7.2.