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Happy New Year!

Too Bright or Not Too Bright - Display Technologies for Post-Production

Modern display technologies create light and color in many different ways from OLED to Quantum Dots, Nanocells to LCD, and every hybrid in between.

Too bright or Not Too Bright - Display Technologies for Post-Production

Modern display technologies create light and color in many different ways from OLED to Quantum Dots, Nanocells to LCD, and every hybrid in between.


Modern display technologies create light and color in many different ways from OLED to Quantum Dots, NanocellsTM to LCD, and every hybrid in between. But which technologies are more suited for post-production work? How can we ensure the experience will look proper in consumer homes? What challenges need to be tackled to respect creative vision? All these questions, and more, will be discussed in this webcast



Pierre Hugues Routhier headshot

Pierre Hugues Routhier

Former Aerospace Engineer , Independent Consultant

Former aerospace engineer Pierre Hugues Routhier is a specialist in advanced imaging technologies