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Author Guidelines for
Submitting a Manuscript


Submit Your Paper!

The benefits of submitting technical manuscripts include:

  • Peer review;
  • Publication;
  • The opportunity to take a deep dive into a specific topic;
  • Inclusion in a respected, well-established award-winning Journal known for thought leadership and timely perspectives on critical topics.

Open Access Publishing from SMPTE 

Many authors in today’s publishing environment want to make their research freely available to all readers. SMPTE now offers Open Access (OA) publishing as an option to authors to help provide maximum exposure for their groundbreaking research and application-oriented article. Your work will be freely accessible worldwide once published under OA. The cost is $2,195 per article, with a 20% discount for SMPTE members. If you are interested in exploring Open Access publishing, please contact Dianne Purrier at dpurrier@smpte.org.

SMPTE encourages the submission of technical papers to the Journal.

We’re always looking for new and interesting perspectives on the technology driving the evolution of media and entertainment.

Editorial Calendar

E-mail questions to Dianne Purrier

Review: Every paper submitted to the SMPTE is reviewed by three or four members of the Board of Editors, knowledgeable in the subject presented. The identities of the reviewers are confidential, so they may feel unconstrained in their evaluations. Once the paper is reviewed, the author is informed of its acceptance or rejection. Based on the reviewers’ remarks, the editor often suggests revisions to improve the paper. Every manuscript undergoes copyediting by the editorial staff to ensure accuracy, consistency, style, and readability.

Content: The Journal’s primary objective is to follow the progress of engineering developments in the motion imaging fields. Controversial papers are welcome, providing they are substantiated by reliable data. Technical articles must be informative and well organized. They must record original work or review previous work, giving proper credit. Results of actual experience and research should be given. Commercialism is unacceptable.

Preparation of Manuscript: All material, including abstract, main text, references, figure captions, and tables, should be doublespaced. Number all pages consecutively.

Title Page: The author’s first and last name should appear at the top of the first page.

Abstracts: Below the title should be a complete, self-contained, informative abstract of about 100 words giving the objective of the paper and an outline of its contents.

Text: The body of the paper should develop the main argument, starting with introductory material and advancing toward a summary. All illustrations must be referred to in the text by figure number. Source materials should be keyed (in order of appearance) to the references by superscript numbers in the text. Footnotes should be avoided, where possible, by making parenthetical notes in the text. Mathematical symbols, abbreviations, acronyms, etc., that may not be familiar to the average reader should be spelled out the first time used, or defined in the text.

Subheads: Appropriate subheadings, inserted throughout the paper, are a useful service to the reader and an aid to rapid comprehension of the information. Usually, one order of subheadings is sufficient.

References: References to periodicals should include the author’s name, full title of article, periodical title, volume, inclusive pagination, and month and year of publication. Book references should contain the name of the author, title of book, edition (if other than the first edition), name and location of publisher (the street address is not usually required), year of publication, and the relevant page number(s). Examples of references style can be found at the end of many articles appearing in recent issues of the Journal.

Figure Captions: Captions should be included under each figure and also at the end of the document following the references. They should be concise.

Illustrations: All figures should be numbered and included in the document and submitted in separate Tiff files, if possible. Photographs should be at least 300 dpi resolution and illustrations 600 dpi (preferably in color). Figures sent hardcopy for reproduction should be 8 x 10 in.; 20 1/2 x 25 1/2 cm, without halftone screen.

Writing Tools/Tutorials for Authors

Submission of Technical Papers

The SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal publishes papers on technical, engineering, and scientific developments in motion pictures, television, and related fields, including distributed video, multimedia, and computers.