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Happy New Year!

Technology Committee Meetings

Get Involved

Standards Technology Committee Meetings

SMPTE has many Technology Committees (TC's) and other groups working virtually on a myriad of technical topics to create, approve, revise and remove Standards for the industry. 

Each year, usually quarterly, the Standards Community meets in week-long TC Meetings to report on progress and to move forward with Standards work that is more easily accomplished in face-to-face meetings. 

Anyone interested in the Standards process is welcome to join the SMPTE Standards Community. SMPTE Technology Committees are open to professionals interested in or affected by, SMPTE Standards.

SMPTE Quarterly Standards Webcasts:

Interested in Hosting a TC Meeting?

SMPTE Technology Committees meet four times each year (generally in March, June, September, and December).  The September cycle is usually held in Europe, immediately following the IBC Conference & Exhibition.  Other meeting cycles normally run from Monday to Friday; generally, each year two meetings are held in North America, and one in Asia or Australasia.

Most meeting cycles are made possible by the generosity of a host company that provide facilities without charge to SMPTE.  This is a major factor in SMPTE's ability to minimize the cost of Standards participation.


Upcoming TC Meetings

Quarterly Standards: