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SMPTE UK and MPTS present... The Media Technology Conference 2024

She/Her Club

Our first meetup will take place on Tuesday , 30 March 2021, 14:00 - 15:00 EDT and we will be guided by the question, “How can we increase the # of young female-identifying students who take on academic studies that will prepare them for careers in STEM and media technology.” We hope and expect the conversation to unfold organically, so please come with an open ear, and ideally with a willingness to share and ideate with the group.

She/Her Club

Our first meetup will take place on Tuesday , 30 March 2021, 14:00 - 15:00 EDT and we will be guided by the question, “How can we increase the # of young female-identifying students who take on academic studies that will prepare them for careers in STEM and media technology.” We hope and expect the conversation to unfold organically, so please come with an open ear, and ideally with a willingness to share and ideate with the group.


The She/Her Club at SMPTE is a space for any person who identifies with these pronouns and our allies. Our goal is to hold discussions that turn into plans of action to eliminate barriers of entry to media technology careers for those identifying as female, to increase the number of female-identifying young people who pursue studies in engineering and media, and to foster community and friendship among female-identifying professionals and our allies within the industry.

Like all Clubs at SMPTE, our group would love to hold agenda-less, club-like meetups over common video conferencing platforms. We want you to participate with us AND even schedule a meetup that you will lead about a topic that’s important to you. Participation in the discussion is invited and encouraged but you are most welcome to simply listen in!