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SMPTE UK and MPTS present... The Media Technology Conference 2024

Media in the Cloud: Making Cloud Supply Chains Work

Making Cloud Supply Chains Work: What is a cloud media supply chain, how will it help me, and what are the key components? We’ll discuss what modern media supply chains look like, how they improve technical flexibility, and the breadth of data they can reveal.  This session will also address some of the common challenges faced by supply chain users and how to overcome them.

Making Cloud Supply Chains Work

Making Cloud Supply Chains Work: What is a cloud media supply chain, how will it help me, and what are the key components? We’ll discuss what modern media supply chains look like, how they improve technical flexibility, and the breadth of data they can reveal.  This session will also address some of the common challenges faced by supply chain users and how to overcome them.


Original Air Date: Thursday, June 10, 2021 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EDT

Making Cloud Supply Chains Work: What is a cloud media supply chain, how will it help me, and what are the key components? We’ll discuss what modern media supply chains look like, how they improve technical flexibility, and the breadth of data they can reveal.  This session will also address some of the common challenges faced by supply chain users and how to overcome them.