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Tony Ngai


Tony Ngai |Asia-Pacific Region, 2025-2026

Founder/Director Society of Motion Imaging Lt

Tony Ngai joined Salon Films (H.K.) Ltd. in 1969. During the periods from 1974, he was sent to Panavision in U.S.A for training of motion picture camera. Since then he has attended various operation training programs related to motion imaging technologies. Ngai has established a professional fleet of equipment rental network in Asia for more than 50 years, serving films projects in China, Hong Kong and other Asian countries.

In 2019 Ngai announced his retirement, but he strives to contribute to support the industries with education and training.

From 2002 to 2014, Ngai took up the post of Chair of the Hong Kong Section of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE), and conducted numerous workshops, seminars and trainings, etc., Ngai was awarded “Citation of Outstanding Service to SMPTE” in 2005 and was also honored as SMPTE Fellow in 2006. Ngai is now a Life Fellow of SMPTE.

Ngai has been advisor to other local academic institutions which offer film and television education.

The Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (hkcaavq) also appointed Ngai as Sector/Subject Specialist (creative industries) from 2008 to 2014.

Ngai was invited by the American Society of Cinematographers (ASC), to become its associate member in 2008.

In 2016 Ngai joined with four other veterans of the motion picture and television industries to set up the Society of Motion Imaging (SMI), a non-profit making company limited by guarantee, aiming to provide training programs to local young workforce.

Hong Kong Society of Cinematographers (HKSC) also honored Ngai a “Professional Achievement Award” in March 2018 and he serves as Honorary Advisor to HKSC.

Ngai was elected by SMPTE Board Members as Asia Pacific Governor (January 2021 to December 2022).

In July 2021, Ngai was invited by SMPTE to join the Advisory Committee of “Rapid Industry Response (RIS)” initiative which aims to promote OSVP (On Set Virtual Production).

In September 2021, Ngai successfully launched the first ever OSVP training with HKSC.

Ngai graduated from the California University of Northridge with Bachelor of Science in Engineering (cum laude), a Master of Business Administration (distinction) from the University of Hong Kong, and Master of Telecommunication from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

He is also member of :

Digital Cinema Society in USA
Chinese Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (CSMPTE) -Senior Member and Senior Advisor