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What you need to know about the 600Mhz Transition

What you need to know about the 600Mhz Transition


Event Details: 


The Washington DC SMPTE, AES, and SBE Chapters presents:

"Wireless Microphone Displacement - What You Need to Know About the 600 MHz Transition" sponsored by T Mobile.


Tuesday, August 13, 2019


6:00pm Social, Networking, & Barbeque

7:00pm Programming


Jetwave Wireless
5228 Eisenhower Avenue 
Alexandria, VA 22304


Scott Hewett
Consultant, Spectrum Management


The Washington, D.C. market date for transition to evacuate all frequencies above UHF channel 36 takes place August 2nd. This timely meeting discusses frequency alternatives, newer higher density technologies, and frequency coordination planning ideas to mitigate the required evacuations of the 31 MHz to be occupied by newer LTE cellular transmitters as early as this fall 2019.

Wireless microphone use is now ubiquitous in video production, broadcast, film making, government, operations, corporate communications, sporting events, concerts, houses of worship, and national media events (inaugurations, press conferences, funerals, dignitary visits). So many of us in SMPTE, AES, and SBE served businesses will be affected and will now have responsibility to better coordinate, purchase new equipment, or modify what is already owned. As of August 2nd, it will be unlawful to transmit on the prohibited white space frequencies above channel 36.

Please join us to find out everything you need to know about the 600 MHz Transition and feel confident with next steps.

Short tours of this impressive facility after the presentation.



Jetwave Wireless
5228 Eisenhower Avenue 
Alexandria, VA 22304

Jetwave is the last suite at end of industrial building strip.


Jetwave is owned and operated by Jim Dugan, the SBE Washington DC market designated frequency coordinator for broadcast, sporting events, and large events. Jetwave is one of the country’s foremost and largest provider of wireless microphone sales, management, rental, and integration. 



Scott Hewett
Consultant, Spectrum Management

Contributing to National Spectrum Outreach programs within T-Mobile’s National Development organization, Scott’s primary focus has been clearing incumbent broadcasters being repacked following the 600MHz Broadcast Incentive Auction.

Scott began his wireless career at Alan Dick & CO (UK), where he served as President and GM of ADC’s USA operations. Originally a manufacturer of broadcast antennas, Scott directed the conversion of the business to become a successful provider of base station antennas to wireless carriers. ADC USA became an early provider of cross-polar antenna technology, primarily to domestic (Andrew, now Commscope) and Japanese (Hitachi Cable) OEM partners.

Prior to joining T-Mobile, Scott served in several management roles at Cellular Specialties Inc. , a provider of in-building wireless (iDAS) gear to wireless carriers. Over different assignments, Scott held responsibility for repeaters, antennas, passive components, and active DAS conditioning (UDIT). He rebranded several products as ClearLink ™, to promote their passive low-intermodulation (PIM) features that help reduce unwanted noise during a cellular transmission. Scott later became VP Strategic Partners and a member of CSI’s senior staff.

Scott a graduate of Purdue University and works from his office in Bedford, NH.