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SMPTE President Message to Members

June 2020
SMPTE’s Stand Against Injustice

The recent horrendous events sparked a reexamination of what SMPTE stands for and what actions we will take to make a positive impact.

SMPTE stands for inclusion as one of our guiding principles. We believe that racial bias and intolerance are unethical and weaken our social fabric. We firmly believe that diversity strengthens the media and entertainment world and society as a whole. We support the need for a diverse and free press and celebrate their efforts for independently reporting what is happening across the globe despite challenges in doing so. As an organization, we stand with those who promote inclusivity and seek to enable all of us to make valued contributions. We are a global organization with thousands of members, and we take a firm stance against injustice and intolerance around the world. 

SMPTE acknowledges that it can and will do more to encourage greater inclusivity.  We will work to develop actionable programs that can make a difference, and we need your participation. We pledge to report to you our plans and progress at the SMPTE Annual Technical Conference in November 2020. Send your ideas to blange@smpte.org.

SMPTE Board of Governors
SMPTE Board Officers
SMPTE Executive Director

April 2020

SMPTE Colleagues,

We hope that you are all staying well during this emergency.  Many of you are working longer hours, keeping news and entertainment services running, others are working from home and some have been laid-off. It’s a difficult time for our industry and all our 7000 members worldwide, no matter what your situation. 

In recognition of these challenges, I am pleased to share some improvements SMPTE has made to make it easier and less expensive for you to keep up with technology and learn new skills:

1. Virtual Course 50% Discounts: Our virtual course prices have been cut by 50%!  While many of us are stuck at home, this is a great chance to learn more about IP Media delivery, Imaging System Fundamentals, HDR Workflows, UHD and many more!  Check out the Instructor and Self Study options under the “Education” dropdown on smpte.org or use this link: SMPTE Virtual Courses

Scroll down to see the options. Use discount code “SMPTE50” when you register for any self-study or instructor-led course. Feel free to share with friends and colleagues whom you think may benefit.

2. Free Technology Webcasts: Our technology webcasts are all available online to everyone. See https://www.smpte.org/smpte-webcasts for a list of options.

3. Topic-Specific Knowledge Microsites: SMPTE microsites help professionals obtain insights around a common theme. Current topics include:

Click on one to learn more. Let our education director Joel Welch know other themes you would like to see. If we get enough interest, we will work to create a microsite.

Virtual Section Meetings: We are working with local Sections to get meetings streamed so that you can stay on top of technology - no matter where you are!   Watch smpte.org, our newsletters and emails from your local section for details. SMPTE is a global community of technologists and creatives passionate about the art and science of storytelling and being part of that community is one of our “perks”.

Please take a moment to update your profile by logging in at smpte.org to make sure that you are getting information on all the resources your SMPTE community has to offer.

Thank you for your continued support of SMPTE.  Your dues help to support your local Section activities, the Journal and Society-wide education programs like the ones listed above. During these challenging times, SMPTE also offers professional membership renewals at 50% for those that are unemployed and would like to renew now.  Just email Roberta Gorman to take advantage of this offer.

Wishing the best of health to you and your families. Stay Safe! 

Best regards,

Patrick Griffis