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The 2024 Media Technology Summit

Generative AI and Media

September 29, 2023

The topic of generative AI’s role in art is polarizing. Many people think this technology is the future while others think it will make a human workforce obsolete. That said, AI is far from being capable of fully replacing human talent like writers, actors, and editors. In its current form, this tech can be used as a tool to help creatives and make production workflows quicker and easier for everyone involved.

Generative AI refers to any machine program that can generate text, images, or sounds. Programs use foundation models (FMs), neural networks trained using data sourced from a variety of methods, to generate this content. ChatGTP is the most famous example, but many programs exist that are already used in the film making process.

In terms of visuals, Generative AI is being used in the editing process. Computers can quickly color correct scenes, fix VFX errors, and create more vivid imagery overall. This greatly reduces the time it takes to edit films, especially those that are VFX heavy. Human editors have been using tools like this for some time now.

Editors have also been using Generative AI to fix and create different sounds for film. While tech is still in its infancy, it’s already proven to be a powerful tool, especially when it comes to sound mixing. Generative AI can also produce its own sound effects, and even voices in a limited range. As this technology improves, the lives of sound editors will become much easier.

Most people know about Generative AI text programs thanks to ChatGPT and the writer’s strike the just ended. While controversial, these programs can exist without taking jobs from anyone. One of the main demands of the Writer’s Guild of America (WGA) was to limit the use of Generative AI to being used as a tool rather than fully replacing writers. As a tool, writers can use it to break through writer’s block, organize plot details, and even edit or rewrite lines of dialogue that simply aren’t working.

Generative AI is a great tool for creatives, but it can never replace them. Using technology to make the lives of industry workers easier is never bad. As with any new piece of technology, the industry must exercise caution and consideration in order to use it responsibly and ethically. Generative AI has the potential to improve the media industry. We simply need to make the choice to use this technology responsibly.

Tag(s): Featured , News

Russell Poole

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