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The 2024 Media Technology Summit

Insights June 2021

September 13, 2021

What it Means to Increase Women in STEM

The entire world has been affected by the pandemic for more than a year. Another important shift has been around social movements and with that, the increased focus, or recalibration, around DEI—diversity, equity, and inclusion. Of course, the DEI movement is not new. It has been percolating for many years with periodic bursts of greater visibility. The hashtag #OscarsSoWhite was created five years ago to highlight the lack of diversity among award nominees. The #MeToo movement highlighted sexual abuse and harassment in the workplace, primarily against women, since 2017. These and other movements shed light on such issues in our culture and society around the world. After all, we are humans who need to be reminded on a regular basis how to live and work with people from different backgrounds. 

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