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The 2024 Media Technology Summit

Silicon Valley Video Summit

February 16, 2023

            In the beginning of February, the SMPTE San Francisco Section partnered with Advanced Systems Groups (ASG) and Sports Video Group (SVG) to create the inaugural Silicon Valley Video Summit. The summit brought together members of Silicon Valley, and engineers from the world of film and television, for a day of presentations, round tables, and even a private event for students seeking to join the industry.

            Focusing on the video production and broadcast infrastructures sprouting from tech companies, the summit was an exercise in cooperation and education. Using many of SMPTE’s standards, these organizations have produced content in innovative and inspiring ways. Industry leaders like John Shike, Key Accounts Manager at ASG, and Pat Griffis, VP of Technology at Dolby and former SMPTE President, spoke to students and professionals about the benefits of connection with one another, as well as the importance of continued education.

            Specific technology and standards made their appearances too. The day started off with a presentation of the SMPTE ST 2110’s multi-site video-production infrastructures, and how they are used on a global scale. The SMPTE ST 2110 received even more love later in the day with a panel discussion on how it’s being used in corporate environments. SMPTE members Kent Terry, Senior Manager at Dolby, John Mailhot, Systems Architect at Image Communications, and Wes Simpson, Founder of LearnIPvideo.com, all spoke about the future of the 2110, and how this technology has a plethora of uses that have yet to be discovered.

            Other tech and media contributions were discussed as well. There was a panel on how ChatGPT was changing the field of content creation through AI image and video generation, a panel on the continual use of remote video workforces, and even a panel/debate on corporate content creation in the Metaverse.

            The highlight for many at the summit was Keynote speaker and Apple co-founder, Steve Wozniak, who discussed the importance of standards, detailing how SMPTE standards were vital in the creation of the Apple II. He even hosted a private student event with aspiring film and television engineers from City College of San Francisco, De Anza College and their SMPTE Student Chapter, San Francisco State University, San Jose State University, and Sonoma State University. In the event, Wozniak stressed the importance of networking, diligent and hard work, and continued education. He gave a special shoutout to the educators who inspire students to reach new heights, and he even encouraged the youth in the room to become members of SMPTE, a point that was perfectly punctuated by the SMPTE hat on his head.

            All in all, the summit was an immense success, with professionals from many fields and corporate backgrounds encouraging students to think outside the box. SMPTE was proud to be part of the event and would like to thank ASG and SVG for all the hard work and collaboration that went into this amazing summit. Next year is sure to be even bigger and better!

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Russell Poole

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