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SMPTE UK - Successful relaunch post-lockdown!

October 5, 2021

The UK Section had their first in-person meeting of 2021, joyously back together again after lockdown.
50 SMPTE members and friends including several student members gathered in the iconic ‘Crown and Two Chairmen’ pub in London’s Soho for a wonderful evening of discussion and networking. We had an energetic and opinionated panel session.

The panel covered a lot of ground - bringing young people into the industry (and convincing their parents!), Rise, remote production, standards bodies and filibustering, Low Earth Orbit satellites, business models, 4K HDR versus HD HDR, iPhone Outside Broadcasts, and the next Big Thing: Object Based broadcasting.

The big topic of the evening was bringing young people into our industry. We all agreed there is a difficulty attracting students to study broadcast engineering and applying for jobs in our industry. This further serves to emphasize the importance of the Academic Institution Membership initiative that SMPTE UK is pioneering, in addition to the criticality of the work that Rise is doing to reach schoolchildren in the UK, which we are enthusiastically supporting in the UK Section.

Next month we are scheduled to meet with BBC Research and Development, which presents us an exciting opportunity – to open up the invitation to SMPTE members and friends globally.

Join the UK Section in our virtual visit to BBC R&D! Register here

Tag(s): Featured , News

John Ellerton

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