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David Grindle

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14 Posts Found

David Grindle

May 21, 2024

Responding to Your Voices

SMPTE members have made their voices clear and followed up with action. Read More
January 23, 2024

A New Year and Exciting Enhancements to the Motion Imaging Journal and SMPTE Membership

Starting the new year with an exciting new look for the Motion Imaging Journal is a great way to share the energy and ideas of SMPTE members. The new look of this journal... Read More
November 14, 2023

Enhancing Member Benefits and Fostering Industry Growth

During the SMPTE Awards Gala on Thursday, 19 October, in Hollywood, CA, SMPTE President Renard Jenkins announced the Peter Wharton Scholarship at SMPTE. This scholarship... Read More
October 12, 2023

SMPTE’s Media Technology Summit Promotes Innovation, Learning, Collaboration, and Networking

October brings our annual Media Technology Summit. This gathering of industry professionals celebrates advances in science and technology that bring stories to life in new... Read More
September 28, 2023

What Defines an Active Section in SMPTE?

This question has been presented to me several times. In a society where we find ourselves, consciously or unconsciously, measuring things by size more often than not, it is... Read More
August 24, 2023

What a Difference a Year Makes

In July 2022, we were still cautiously optimistic that we could finally live in a world post-COVID. The names of variants were beginning to fade from our conversations. We... Read More
July 25, 2023

Enhancing the SMPTE Member Experience

Welcome to the midpoint of 2023. The first part of the year has been filled with change in our industry and Society. With print deadlines looming, I sit writing this column... Read More
June 9, 2023

Thank You for Sharing Your Voices

In late 2022, we asked you to complete a member survey. This study, conducted by the firm, XYZ University, targeted SMPTE members and individuals who were not members but had... Read More
May 24, 2023

Linear Versus Nonlinear Perception

Linear thinking about nonlinear concepts. That is one of the skills Yves Bergquist of the Entertainment Technology Center@ the University of California (ETC@USC) predicted... Read More
April 4, 2023

Our Relevance in Storytelling

I recently had a conversation with one of our members about a certain collection of films to which that member had a work connection. This has become one of my favorite parts... Read More
March 15, 2023

What Do You Want From Your Journal?

What do you want from your journal? We asked this question recently because we truly want to know the answer. TheMotion Imaging Journalhas been at the forefront of... Read More
February 23, 2023

Why Be a Member?

Why be a member of any association? For years I thought I knew the answer: networking. Yes, we have the ability to connect... Read More
January 20, 2023

Happy New Year!

We are now weary of any prognostications of what the new year will bring in business or personal life. When we thought the pandemic was behind us, we discovered it was actu... Read More
September 7, 2022

Why Did You Apply for this Job?

Join/ Renew My Membership That is a question I have been asked fairly consistently this year, both during the interview process and after I was hired. What made me leave... Read More

Media Relations Contact

Erminia Fiorino | Marketing Manager | +1 914 205 2323
For information regarding SMPTE's media relations activities, or if you are an industry journalist or analyst in need of more information or an interview with SMPTE leadership, please contact Erminia  Fiorino
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