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Early Registration for the 2024 Media Technology Summit Is Now Open

Joint ETC Task Force on Artificial Intelligence and Media

August 26, 2020

Task Force Description: The Task Force (TF) is responsible for gathering requirements and studying use cases around artificial intelligence (AI) implementations and systems related to media production and consumption, with the main goal of identifying areas that might benefit from standardization.

Problem to be solved: AI systems are becoming more commonly used in applications related to media production and consumption. Many such systems are closed or proprietary in nature. Standardization of some aspects of AI systems would reduce friction and barriers to entry, which in turn could speed development and provide significant benefits to both producers and consumers. A report could be used as a jumping off point for future SMPTE projects.


Project Scope: Identify Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence areas and liaisons activities affecting professional media where SMPTE and the ETC can encourage interoperability and technology advancements

Specific tasks: Identify any additional relevant industry groups to solicit feedback from Issue a call for requirements and user stories via liaisons as indicated to SMPTE TCs and external groups. Provide an electronic means of receiving feedback in a consistent and organized format. Identify topic areas for further work; e.g., AI/ML evaluation, security, bias, ethical concerns, etc. Identify opportunities for standardization, registration, and/or reports Identify relevant data sets. If needed, identify requirements for beneficial data sets that could be developed in the future. Draft a report summarizing the group’s findings Publish the report​

Output: Engineering report

A variety of expertise is required to facilitate the development of standards documents, so consider joining the standards community. Inquiries may be directed to SMPTE’s standards director via this form.

Tag(s): AI , News

Frank Kunkle

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