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SMPTE Opens Call for Papers for SMPTE 2021 Annual Technical Conference

July 29, 2021

SMPTE®, a leader in motion-imaging standards and education for the communications, media, entertainment, and technology industries, is seeking technical papers for the SMPTE 2021 Annual Technical Conference (SMPTE 2021 ATC). Starting Nov. 9 and running select days through Nov. 18, the conference will be a virtual event with technical paper presentations, SMPTE Storytellers, roundtables, and networking events.

The SMPTE Annual Technical Conference is the world's premier peer-reviewed forum for the exploration of media and entertainment technology. Original, previously unpublished manuscript drafts of four to six pages will be reviewed by the SMPTE 2021 ATC program committee if submitted by Aug. 23 to https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=28642. All submitted manuscripts, whether selected for the program or not, will be automatically submitted to the board of editors of the award-winning SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal to be considered for publication.

Draft manuscripts must provide a clear indication of originality and must address technical theory, research (with results), innovation, application, or practice specific to any of the evolving technologies associated with the media and entertainment industry. Preference will be given to forward-thinking proposals and particularly to research-based proposals addressing cutting-edge technology. Student papers are strongly encouraged. Papers that are of a promotional or commercial nature will not be considered.

Authors and speakers are offered support throughout the entire submission process. The SMPTE 2021 ATC program committee will provide guidance and resources to assist authors in writing and presenting a successful paper.

All manuscripts will be reviewed by the SMPTE Conference Program Committee and the Journal Review Board before Sept. 6. Authors will be notified whether they are accepted at this time. Those accepted will receive comments and suggestions from the reviewers, which should be addressed before final submission. The deadline for submission of final manuscripts and final presentations is Oct. 4. Self-recorded presentations must be submitted no later than Oct. 25.

The manuscript submission link is https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=28642. More information about SMPTE 2021 ATC is online at https://www.smpte.org/2021atc. Further information about SMPTE is available at www.smpte.org.


Tag(s): Featured , News , ATC2021

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