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The SMPTE Sum-Up

November 11, 2023

Welcome to the SMPTE Sum-Up, the weekly publication that details the recent and current events of your favorite standards development organization. This week at SMPTE:

In RiS news, the Education division of the Onset Virtual Production (OSVP) program has announced several new members of their Media Board of Editors subgroup committee, responsible for the assembly of a new Resource Library and establishing a benchmark for all peer-reviewed educational, media-related content about virtual production presented on SMPTE + RiS-OSVP webpage. These new members include:  Brian Kobylarz as the designated Lead, Ramiro Montes De Oca as Editor, and Rachel Jobin as the Support Lead. We’re thrilled to have them as part of the team!

In events news, the SMPTE New England section held a special meeting with Hugo Gaggioni, The Chief Technology Officer of Sony Imaging Products and Professional Solutions! Gaggioni’s presentation was all about Sony’s new products and tech that debuted at IBC 2023. The best part is that the meeting was held over Zoom for members and non-members alike!

The SMPTE Toronto section had some exciting event news as well, participating in the ProFusion 2023 Expo. The theme of the special section meeting was “Mirrorless Cameras,” and had a variety of presenters from people from Blackmagic Design, FujiFilm Canada, and Sony. They had a booth at the two-day event, dedicated to sharing SMPTE’s larger message and section activities.

In education news, the webcast, “Too bright or Not Too Bright - Display Technologies for Post-Production” was held earlier this week. Former aerospace engineer Pierre Hugues Routhier hosted the webcast, and discussed the latest display technology, which techniques are best used for post-production, and how film and television can be properly distributed to consumers.

That’s it for this week’s SMPTE Sum-Up. For more information on past and current events, standards projects, and webcasts, visit our website. See you next week!


Tag(s): News , SUM-UP

Russell Poole

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